Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forbidden Kingdom. You know how Once in a Time in the West was the culmination of all Spagetti Westerns? This is the ultimate Kung Fu movie. (I swear it even had Morricone riffs.) A tribute to all kung fu movies, starring two great stars in Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

It has elements of Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings, and Karate Kid. Crouching Tiger, only not as serious.

Sorry, to use so many other movies as examples, but that's pretty much what it is. I went to it without reading any reviews, because I thought the fantasy elements would be strong from the previews, and Linda is a Jackie Chan fan. So I was a bit surprised by it's quality. (Now I'll got check Rotten Tomatoes and find out everyone else hated it.....)

Even the love story worked.

And of course there was like a ten minute fight between Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I can't believe it took Hollywood this long to pair up Jackie Chan and Jet Li.