Friday, November 30, 2012

Hey, I get it.

People pretty obviously don't like the direction my blog is going --  you can see it on the stats.  I spent years 2 through 4 never checking the stats and was perfectly happy,  so I'll just go back to doing that.  There are things I can do and subjects I can pursue that would increase hits and I've never done them except when I already wanted to do them. 

I mean I want all the readers I can get, but with the understanding that this is my sort of diary and I'll put that first.  Hopefully, a few interesting things happen along the way. 

My blog follows what I'm doing and what I'm doing is writing and there is probably nothing more boring to most people than reading about writing.

As far as fiction is concerned, again I get it.  I don't tend to read fiction on other people's blogs so I can't expect people to want to read it on mine.

So be it.

I really can't or won't get into politics.   Business is humming along and I don't feel like bitching -- subjects I do feel like bitching about either hurt other people's feelings or my bitching doesn't change a damn thing.  Funny thing is, just in the six years I've been doing this, I've decided that everyone's circumstances are different and everyone does it different.  It's not up to me to tell them how to do it.  (Oh, I could  -- yes, indeedy.)

Success is the best revenge.

I put six years into this blog already, and if it ends up just being me, myself, and I -- I'll find those three guys absolutely fascinating.  Heh.

So when a commenter says, "You used to have an interesting blog" I sort of want to respond in Jon Stewart's immortal words:  "I'm not your monkey."

But of course I don't want to respond like that, because people might think I don't appreciate they're reading this...

I mean, I love it when people read the blog and comment.  Feels like community.  But I totally understand that the more internal this dialogue gets the less externally interesting it probably is.

I'll still try commenting on other things, too, if you want to check back once in awhile.


Duncan McGeary said...

Hey, I'm even letting myself be defensive.

I spent years doing this striving not to get defensive. It was unnatural, I tell you!

Duncan McGeary said...

Dang it. Now that I've written out this long involved defensive explanation, I wish I had just printed the guys comment,

"You used to have an interesting blog."

And simply answered it:

"I'm not your monkey."

Duncan McGeary said...

I think instead of quitting the blog, I'll just sort of drift into oblivion in the throes of my own obsessions.

Leitmotiv said...

I think people want a blog that does discuss local news in a blog-esque way. Yours was intelligent and insightful.

Anonymous said...

Umm... How about a second blog? They can reference and/or link to each other but also have more specific and individual focus.

Unknown said...

You first your switch to writing was something I didn't enjoy as much as your talks about Bend and the store. But then I got to thinking...when I was in my late teens to early 20's I had a few minor writing moves that made me think I might actually one day live out my dream and write comics, something I've wanted to do since I was little. I kept making excuses as to when I would get back to writing again, but now the only writing I do is commenting on blogs and news stories, updating my status on Facebook, and these kinds of things. The thing your blog has done over these last few months (even though I was skeptical at first) was kick me in the butt a little about maybe getting serious about some old ideas I had that I thought could of had wings. It is refreshing to see you come back to something you obviously love so much, and being a person that has lost passion for most thing for one reason or another I've been taking out my old notebooks and dusting off some old haunts. So while I may not read everything you are writing here it is your blog, it is about what is important to you and your life, and honestly it is nice to see you picking up this old passion with such vigor. To hell with the naysayers I say. :)

Martha said...

I, for one, am glad you aren't going to quit your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Wholly smokes Dunc …… did I strike a nerve? What I found interesting about your blog was exactly what Leitmotiv said. Not Freddy. It’s your blog man …. write what you want. I don’t know why you got so defensive. Who cares what a complete stranger thinks or writes in your comments. What gave you street cred to me was you were a real business owner in town not some anonymous blogger bitching about things he may or may not know a thing about. You were a real guy bitching about things you may or may not know about :) While I get the impression you don’t think much of my business, what I always found interesting was how similar some issues you dealt with were similar to what I had to deal with. I found that interesting …………… I don’t find Freddy interesting.

You used to have an interesting blog.

Builder_ Dude

Duncan McGeary said...

But Builder Dude (there's nothing wrong with what you do...)

It's not like you have to walk a mile to get out of the way. Just click on past Freedy.

Many of my concerns (and yours) have been addressed so many times that we're just kicking a comatose horse.

Once I realized people were actually reading this, I had to quit saying anything that would hurt anyone else, putting it in broader terms. Since I'm not anonymous.

Contentment writes a blank page, as they say about writing.

Since the stores are solid and stable, I've got a little less angst to go on about -- interesting as the angst is.

Anonymous said...

"just click on past freedy"

I have been. In fact I only now notice it's not "Freddy".