Tuesday, November 27, 2012

help with the story.

O.K. all you legal and computer savvy people out there who have been reading about Freedy.

For plot reasons, I need a reason for Freedy to break into a data center (like the ones in Prineville).

Then later, I need a reason for him to break into the offices of a law firm in a big skyscraper in New York. 

I posit in chapter 14 that some corporation has changed the deed records and filed for a mineral claim on Charlie's land. 

Any ideas?


Andy Z said...

All depends. Do these sites employ dragons for security?

Duncan McGeary said...

Figuratively, the skyscraper in New York, will be guarded by a fearsome "dragon" of some kind. No magic in this story, though.

Figuratively, the data center is where Freedy gets separated from the others and wanders around in the cold and dark and comes across a flashdrive that makes him invisible to all computer systems -- and a weird fellow who has lost his most precious possession....