Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Every year I can't wait for summer business to get here, and every year I'm more than ready to see it go.

Yes, I get a 25% boost, but I have to work at least twice as hard to get there. There last few years have been especially difficult because a large percentage of my foot traffic are young families. My store looks very alluring to them....and yet, there is little they really want. Indeed, if they don't look at the Star Wars stuff, or Pokemon, my chances of selling much are pretty low.

There is a short article in the paper today that parents are in total denial about how overweight their kids are. Well, they are also in denial about how little their kids want to read. Since my store is more than half made up with reading material, you see the problem. This is going to sound weird, but my main job with young families is to try to manage them. Most are just fine, but there are a few who feel their kids are priviledged and entitled, and I have to find ways to manage them so that don't displace or damage so much product they hurt my store. (I buy everything in the store, I can't return it, and I usually can only afford one of each item.) And a very few young families take offense if I say anything, no matter how mild or careful I phrase it.

I have always found it fascinating that the kids that most need instruction, are the same kids who have parents who take the most offense at their kids being instructed. Kind of goes together, don't it?

It's very dangerous to criticize kids in this culture. So I want to make it clear; most kids are a delight. But the few who are little brats make it hard.

So, well, I'm sort of glad when they go back to school.

I just have to budget a little tighter and lavish more attention on the fewer people coming in the door.


IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

It's very dangerous to criticize kids in this culture. So I want to make it clear; most kids are a delight. But the few who are little brats make it hard.

This may sound weird, but this is a product of LIBERALISM. "I'm OK, You're OK", "The 'N' Word", "My Child Is NOT Stupid, THE SYSTEM is Failing Her." TOLERATE EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY THE INTOLERABLE.

The idea that EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING deserves to be The Smartest, The Best, The Strongest, The Top Whatever, so that NO ONE comes in Second Place. Everyone IS A WINNER.

So parents have come to believe that Their Child is The Best and is Entitled To Do What They Want Where Ever They Want, and the slightest hint of subduing them is heresy, has overwhelmed this country. Kids do not hear the word NO in this country.

This manifests itself in certain ways, like kids destroying stores and feeling like they are entitled to do so, and where I live there's a kid who lies down in the street to attract attention, and the wonderful NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, which simply means ALL GO AT THE SAME PACE... THAT OF THE SLOWEST CHILD IN THE CLASSROOM, USUALLY AN AUTISTIC OR SPANISH (Only) SPEAKING CHILD. Don't want to leave anyone behind! We're ALL WINNERS!

I know, sounds like anti-liberal ranting, but this INANE parental BS is just one more manifestation of the Primary Contrary Side Effect of Liberalism: Things that "SOUND" good in theory, typically exacerbate the problem they are trying to fix.

"No Child Left Behind" leaves EVERY child but one behind. "Everyones A Winner" means your store gets destroyed because YOUR JOB IS NOT PARENTING, but parents who accompany kids in your store WILL NOT DO IT because saying NO implies their kid doesn't have the commonsense God gave a rock, and we can't have that now, can we.

This also explains why I am not in retail: I would have ZERO TOLERANCE for that sort of bullshit. "The Customers Always Right", my ass. I would shadow every little turd under 18 around that store like the Grim Reaper.

My kids, hear NO 24/7. Why? Because I am a FORTY-SOMETHING year old sentient human being, and I KNOW that I have more experience & common sense than they do. My saying NO and giving them a short explanation about why the answer is NO is why they are Not Shrieking Little Assholes in stores or EVER. It's MY JOB to raise them, not to let them raise themselves. My house ain't the Lord of the Flies. And when my kids come into contact with kids whose homes are, I YANK them away. They aren't going to lie in the street or trash retails shops, or basically run roughshod over everything & everyone in the World because I am a dumbass.

Man, this is a topic that PISSES ME OFF. Spoiled brat bullies & their MORON PARENTS. Man, when these little lunatics come in my house, they straighten right up & fly right, cuz the stupid ass crap that flies at their house, DON'T FLY WITH ME. I don't have to say a word: I got the Grim Reaper Face that causes instant paralysis in spoiled brats.

California Liberal Dumbass Idiots trying to raise kids. My God. GET A CLUE. Your kid AIN'T the smartest. He ain't the strongest. He's just a lump & he needs you to START PARENTING. SAY "NO". Man, when you are expected to TOLERATE EVERYTHING, YOU MUST CONSTANTLY TOLERATE THE INTOLERABLE.

Someone said (paraphrasing), "If you're not a liberal when you're young, you're heartless. If you're not conservative when you're old, you're a fool."

Liberalism is so awful because it "sounds" great. It's the implementation of liberal ideals that blows up in our faces. Liberalism is heinously immature, and leads to almost intolerable selfishness. That is at it's CORE. That's all there is. It embodies the ideals of a spoiled 5 year old.

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

And you know, sometimes it's just sheer laziness and/or stupidity. Redneck, right wing dumb butts are the Worst parents on Earth. My sister is a prime example.

What is happening to people in this country? Selfish rudeness has become the de facto way of life. It's how kids are raised. They see (their parents do) it, they do it. It's what has made Bend fundamentally FAR LESS appealing as a place to live.

My brother (from CA) comes here to get away from Cali assholes, but the first thing he wants to do is act like a Cali asshole & demand that the place be like Cali, and shriek at the Cali-fication of Bend.


Solution: Return to your SUCKHOLE. It's ready for you, right NOW!

Duncan McGeary said...

I think it's a cultural thing, not a conservative or liberal thing....

The Natives Are Restless said...

It's a cultural thing, and it's the EASY thing. It's much easier to be your kid's best friend than to be their parent. People don't seem to realize that your kids need to love you, and respect you, and trust you, but they don't always have to like you. It's much, much easier to let them get away with all of the crap. And they will try to get away with crap! (signed by a loving father)