Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This whole blog thing has been a huge learning experience. I was pretty naive about it, when I started. I didn't realize, for instance, that most people were anonymous, except those who where using it as a marketing tool or as online columns for webmags.

I doubt I could talk about what I talk about without revealing who I am anyway, so that's O.K. I suppose I didn't really expect anyone to be reading it. Never occurred to me to make it a marketing tool.

And I was totally surprised when it was quoted elsewhere.

It's occurred to me that by talking so much about the local housing bubble and local problems, that I've limited the blogs appeal to other comic retailers or a national audience. Or by talking about local business, I may have turned off people who are only interested in housing issues and vice versa. Or throwing in the occasional completely personal blog, I'm boring everyone else.

But, I set out on this venture without an agenda, and I'm not going to change now.

I had a reader, DK, in yesterday, who told me I was way more 'mild' in real life, and more 'acid tongued' in my blog. Which surprised me. I thought it was the other way around. But actually, I say pretty much the same things in both places. I'm wondering if, by associating with other bloggers who aren't quite as restrained, I'm getting conflated with them.

He also mentioned that I hadn't really responded to his comments. For which I apologize. I've tried to answer everyone who's commented, but I don't really want to engage in arguments with anyone either.

As DK was standing there, a lady came in and bought my second to the last Harry Potter Book (thanks to all eight of you who have purchased the book from me!). She thought it was rather weird that I told her she could buy it cheaper 'elsewhere'.

Maybe so. Maybe I'm over sensitive to pricing criticism. I went through years of it with toys and cards, and learned that a sale wasn't as important to me as a happy customer.

Besides, I'm almost sold out anyway!

Was feeling pretty stressed by the numbers of people in the door, yesterday. Was tired, and therefore probably more 'mild' than DK expected. I worry that in real life I'm just not what people expect. The writer, afterall, is writing words from a very different place than a conversationalist. The writer's I've met over the years have always been a bit unprepossessing. Impressive neither in stature or manner.

But if I liked their writing, I forgave them.


dkgoodman said...

It's funny how people have differing expectations of actors and writers. Growing up, I was under the impression that actors "acted" and that the actor would be nothing like their character. It was only after meeting several actors, and seeing them on talk shows or Inside the Actors Studio that I realized most actors just play themselves, within the limitations of the character and the scene. Then there are the people who confuse an actor with a character, and treat the person like the fiction.

All of us have a facade that we use to deal with others, and we change that mask depending on who we're with. We have our employee face, and our family face, and our acquaintance face, and faces for situations. Some get uncomfortable in situations where they don't know which face to wear. Remember George telling Seinfeld he didn't want the different Georges to collide?

I expect writers to be different in person than they seem in writing. Writing allows you to express yourself differently, whether consciously or not. Some (most?) people write stiffly, more formally, as if they're trying to impress someone, or they're just uncomfortable with writing. Others try to "be themselves", or come off even more friendly and hip than they are.

I enjoy the different perspectives you get of a person.

Little Things said...

I'd call you honest, not acid-tongued. As someone who's about to move to Bend, I appreciate all of the information about the state of things there, and find posts on your business very interesting too. I hope to meet you once we get settled!

Duncan McGeary said...

"Others...come off even more friendly and hip than they are."


dkgoodman said...

Welcome to Bend, Little Things. You'll love it here. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if, by associating with other bloggers who aren't quite as restrained, I'm getting conflated with them.

The mean bloggers call Duncan "Ned Flanders", for being a nice guy.

He shouldn't be confused with the mean spirited bloggers.

Bart Simpson

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

Dunc, people also like honesty, and curiousness, and even self-doubt. There's nothing worse than a smug jerk who acts like a know-it-all.

I'd better get back to telling the World why Bend RE is crashing, AND THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION!