Monday, April 16, 2007

I dreamed my soul was a patchwork quilt of books.

I know I've been reading up a storm, lately. More my old kind of pace, pre-internet. After reading one book in February, CELL, Stephen King's zombie story. (P.S. I don't own a cell phone.)

Read eight books in March, and five so far this month, plus several false starts. (If I get 25 - 50 pages in, anymore, and it doesn't engage me, I quit.) LOOKING GLASS WAR, Frank Beddor, a disappointing update of Alice in Wonderland, I won't be reading the sequels. ECHO PARK, a reliably good Micheal Connelly mystery.

As I mentioned before, the two Lois McMaster's Bujold fantasies, CURSE OF CHALION and PALADIN OF SOULS, which I thought were wonderful. A space opera series by Walter Jon Williams, PRAXIS, THE SUNDERING, and CONVENTIONS OF WAR, which I thought were great and which were obviously influenced by Bujold's Vorgosigan series. Space opera sounds like a put down, but really not, just a description of SF involving empires and space fleets, etc. Very disappointed last chapter of the last book. Damn.

Another SF book, REVELATION SPACE, by Alastair Reynolds. Pretty solid. A Roger Zelazny book finished by Jane Lindskold, LORD DEMON, light reading. Another Walter Jon Williams book, with obvious Zelazny overtones, ARISTO. CREEPERS, a horror book by pro David Morrell, about a group of people exploring urban 'lost' zones. THE SHAPESHIFTER, the weakest Tony Hillerman book I've read. (Mostly involving Joe Leaphorn driving around, or sitting in a resturant.) And last night, a Walter Mosely mystery, CINNAMON KISS. I keep seeing Denzel Washington as Easy Rawlins and Don Cheadle as Mouse, and wonder why they never made another movie.

Strange thing that keeps happening as I get older. I keep thinking certain actors or writers have died, only to see them pop up. I was absolutely certain for awhile that Carl Hiassen was dead, for instance. Or Christopher Lloyd, actor, but then I see him on a commercial. Now, I'm thinking that Walter Mosley and Tony Hilerman are gone, but the Wikapedia entry doesn't say....Maybe, I just need to assume everyone is still living.

Anyway, this is way more SF than I've been reading for the last 20 years, more like what I used to read. The proportions have been much more tilted toward mysteries. I also try to read at least one non-fiction book every ten books or so, and usually a general fiction novel here and there.

1 comment:

Bookbuyer said...

Have you read "Always Outnumbered Always Outgunned" by Mosley? If not try it it is so good.