Saturday, May 10, 2008

Comic bingeing

My sole 'job' today is to read comics.

I'm going to throw open the new French doors off of my office onto the new back porch; two of the improvements we made with our Heloc to our 'devalued' house. Screw it. They're nice living additions.

One aspect of comics I've never quite gotten used to is the periodical nature. So I tend to accumulate them and then read them all in one big binge.

I'm in the mood for some western, Jonah Hex, some S.F. Star Wars Legacy, and some degenerate superheroes, The Boys, to start with.


Jason said...

For my part, I picked up The Watchmen last time I was in. I'm trying to catch up on all the important graphic novels I've missed out on, and this was one I should have nabbed a long time ago. Wow, what a story!

Alan Moore may come off as a bit of a wackjob, but his tales are excellent.

Duncan McGeary said...

Oh, I think Alan Moore is eminently sane. Grumpy, but sane.

Grumpy because he's sane?