Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bubble news, old news?

I'm utterly astounded that bilbo and paul-doh are acting as though the housing bubble thing is old news. Personally, I don't think we've even hit the brunt of the first gale force winds. We've had a bit of high winds and rain, and we 're all thinking, "Is that it? That wasn't so bad."

In my opinion, the real storm hasn't even arrived yet.

There is the 'eye of the storm' analogy that is being used for places like Florida and California, and I think that's probably accurate.....for them. But we haven't really had the front of the storm pass through, in my opinion.

And I think Bend has a second storm brewing, just as big if not bigger. Commercial development went just as out of control in Bend as the housing, and it's going to take at least a year longer to develop.

This isn't time to slack off. There are a whole lot of people in Bend who are aware in a general sense that not all is well, but I find that in specifics, most haven't even thought about it yet.

That the victims of this storm are nice people -- I've always thought that there were a lot of people who were led astray in this mess. I tend to believe that perfectly nice people made some bad decisions.

So...much as I didn't want to warp this blog into a 'housing bubble blog', either someone new needs to take on the job, or Paul-doh and Bilbo need to fight the burnout and get re-energized.


tim said...

I don't think the pain is over. It's just that the argument has grown dull because there's no one to argue against.

Yeah, people are going to get utterly creamed, killed, demolished. Flattened like the dictator's nose under a steamroller in Sleeper.

Duncan McGeary said...

" one to argue against."

Never stopped me yet.