Sunday, August 28, 2011

The drive is the thing.

I walked through the screen door. Literally, walked right straight nose-first into the door, and rebounded, Linda said, with the strangest look. The door came off the tracks before ripping out, which is fortunate.

I think it's the smoke in the air, and that I'm blind, and it was morning and I wasn't awake.


To hell with it. I bought The Wise Man's Fear, Patrick Rothfuss, new and am enjoying it immensely. I've been up til 2:00 in the morning the last few nights, which is unusual these days.

I'm giving myself an early birthday present and letting myself read the list of 7 books I posted the other day which I have new in stock. Life is too short, and I own a book store dammit.

To the list of seven books, I just remembered another, Bujold's latest Vorkosigan book.

I spent a few nights unsatisfied with the Ted Bell book, and gave up 200 pages in.

Like I said, life it too short not to read the best.


You know, not to downplay the harm of Hurricane Irene, but it was a Category 1. One can only imagine what would happen if a C3 or C4 or -- Armageddon! -- C5 were to hit the east coast!


Again, I'm trying to write through my doubts. I think reading the New York Times Book Review and other publications relating to books, and looking at the huge lists of "remainders" in books and seeing what appear to be good books ignored....well, the sheer mass of books gives one pause.

But this far in, I'm realizing that my self-identity as a writer is tied up with finishing this book. I stopped identifying myself as a writer soon after I bought the store. But I'm back to writing, to exploring my creative side -- and to hell with the doubts about publishing.


Speaking of books, I spent over 2 hours assembling a "remainders" order. Thing is, some of these books are absolutely good buys, such as being able to buy several of the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time books -- which continually sell -- for much lower prices.

But to get to the minimums, I have to get a lot of "mid-list" books. Nothing wrong with that if I have the money and space.

What I don't have right now, is the space.

Instead this month, I spent a whole lot of money on the "evergreens"; refilling the slots for Ken Kesey and Christopher Moore and Kurt Vonnegut and Chuck Palahniuk and so on. Costs more, but every slot of space is precious.

After two hours, I started visualizing how I was going to display this new order of books.

I deleted the order.

It's a bit of trick that Linda taught me -- fill out your wish list and then don't follow through. I'm not sure why it works, but it does.


Linda and I have seen 8 of the movies in town -- usually, on Sunday afternoons. She wants to go for a drive "Maybe to Prineville" today, which sounds good to me. We know they have new owners to the bookstore there, though I suppose there isn't much chance they'll be open today.

The drive is the thing.


H. Bruce Miller said...

"One can only imagine what would happen if a C3 or C4 or -- Armageddon! -- C5 were to hit the east coast!"

Picture Katrina x 100.

Duncan McGeary said...

Then we would seem to be ill-prepared.

Anonymous said...

Bujold's latest Vorkosigan book is crap.

Only the last two-three pages (the "afterword" is worth reading.

I hope she gets her act together again.

Duncan McGeary said...


I didn't much like the Vorkosigan book before that; a romance novel, pretty much.

Nor did I enjoy the Sharing Knife fantasies.

I don't know how the same author can write Curse of Chalion-- and the Sharing Knife.

Head shake.

Duncan McGeary said...

I know it must be hard for her to be the honored writer since Heinlein and at the same time no one seems to know who she is.

I think maybe she is trying for Twilight sized success -- and it just comes off as pandering, to me.