Thursday, January 13, 2011

Scary pathetic.

In the wake of the latest shootings, comes news that sales of Glock handguns have spiked upward.

Either because we Americans are thinking what a fine machine it is.

Or because we're so uninformed as to believe that Congress is going to immediately outlaw them.

Either way,

we're pathetic.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is watching the high school pep rally in Arizona (Go Team America! -- and there's the bossy mean Sarah Palin shoving her way to the front and whining, "Why are you guys picking on me?") and the world is thinking, these guys have the biggest army in the world by orders of magnitude.

And they are thinking, be afraid. Very afraid.

At worst, (and I doubt this will happen), the powers that be might restrict us to shooting into crowds with a 13 round Glock, instead of 31. Your average American citizen of 1776 (you know, since we're being strict constructionists -- white, male landowners) would be horrified that we might take away his 31 fully primed and loaded flintlocks. (Which by all accounts were totally inaccurate and obscured the battlefield with smoke after the first few rounds...)

The only country with more guns per citizen than us is Yemen, with 60 guns per 100, instead our 90 guns per 100. (Somehow those poor Afgans get by with less guns...)

Why the next thing you know, they'll try to take away our right to our own personal atomic bombs. (How would we ever get that gopher in the backyard?) Because there's no chance, you know, that any wacko citizen would ever use that power of overkill.

But don't worry, it won't happen. Why it would be the Prohibition all over again!

Only with more guns.

There's no chance that we'll ever have a War On Guns, because, you know, the War on Drugs and Poverty and Terrorism worked out so well....

We're pathetic.

Scary pathetic.


Anonymous said...

All talk about the rhetorical tone and the toxic political environment aside, the bottom line is that an unhinged man was able to get a gun that has the capacity to spray a high volume of rounds in order to act out whatever deranged mission he had assigned himself. We've heard this story before.

That's a problem we have to grapple with.

I say this as someone who probably puts more rounds downrange in a given week than just about anyone in Central Oregon.

I don't have a pat policy answer, but to dodge the question is morally reprehensible.

H. Bruce Miller said...

The NRA crowd will say "law-abiding gun owners" are not the problem and they should not be inconvenienced because a few criminals and psychos abuse their Second Amendment right.

The flaw in that thinking is that all gun owners are "law-abiding" until they commit their first crime. And if that first crime involves a gun, there's a good chance somebody will get killed.