Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"The Biebs!"

Linda is utterly consistent in her lack of current pop-culture knowledge.

It's rather endearing.

So we'll be watching Jon Stewart and he'll mention the Kardashians -- and ....I for it.....

"Who are the Kardashians?"

Heh, heh. I rather enjoy it.

"Who's Snooki?"

I roll my eyes, and mutter, "You're hopeless, babe. Totally hopeless..."

Last month it was Justin Beiber. So I yell out every time I see him, thoroughly embarrassing her. When we went to movies last week, there was a large stand-up of the little mophead.

"Look!" I nearly yelled. "It's Justin Bieber! It's Bieber, babe! It's the Biebs!!!!"



Duncan McGeary said...

Cameron informed me that the Bieber stand up is covered with obscene writing, which is being covered up with post-its.

I did notice his black glasses and goatee....

Matthew Funk said...

Last time I was there someone had forcefully removed his head (I like to think via flying back-kick) and they had it flimsily re-attached with tape.

Duncan McGeary said...

I wonder if the Biebs is aware that he'll most likely be a has-been by the time he's 25.

Quimby said...

I guess I'm in good company with Linda..... :D WTF?

Duncan McGeary said...

Don't you fuss, oldtimer. The Bieber abides.

Matthew Funk said...

What do you mean 25? Have you heard his voice? As soon as he hits puberty, that kid's career is done.