Friday, June 29, 2012

Beet's 9th floors me every time.

There's a ten thousand person chorus to Beethoven's 9th, choral last movement, over on Naked Capitalism links.

This music never fails to send shivers up and down my spine, my head tingles, my eyes water, I'm totally mesmerized. Every time.

There's a name for this reaction, but I can't remember it. They had a long thread over on Reddit, but I can never find threads there.

Anyway, any time I want to be emotionally moved, all I have to do is put this music on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a music lover you piqued my interest with this. I think the term you may be looking for is 'musical frisson'. For me, Strauss's 'Im Abendroot'=waterworks(Gundula Janowitz performance especially). Segovia performing Castelnuovo-Tedesco's 'Homage to Boccherini' does it too.
Even modern music can do it for me(no, I am NOT talking Adele haha). I listen to some pretty heavy music(some call it post-rock) and its the stuff that builds landscapes of sounds that take you from a small ripple to a tsunami that I seem to gravitate towards, its almost draining've got to love that free and legal dopamine injection.