Friday, June 22, 2012

"Boises's Only Condom Shop!"

The sign reads "O!Zone! Boise's Only Condom Shop!"

"Wait...wait!" I say, as we drive by.


"I want to go in!"


"I want to ask them: "Are there any more condom shops around here?"

Linda keeps driving. I look them up when I get the motel; they used to be called, "Rainbow Rubbers." Heh.

Is this a thing? Am I being provincial?


Carl said...

That will teach you to "slum" south of the River.Pretty far off the I-84 weren't you. Not enough motels along the Interstate?

shopping monkey said...

I wonder if people go in there and say "Well, I didn't find anything I can't live without"?

Or, "I just want to buy things that are on sale."

Be afraid of condoms on sale.

Duncan McGeary said...

"Well, I didn't find anything I can't live without"?
