Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Official Burglar Contract.

Someone sent me a Burglar contract display between Thorin and Company and Freedy Filkins.
No name attached to whoever sent it -- thanks!  (Not sure of Thorin's dad's name...)

"In role as BURGLAR for Thorin and Company, 
or in any other role they see fit,
at their sole discretion
from time to time.

Signed:  Thorin son of Girain

Witnessed: Balin son of Fundin

Burglar:  Freedy Filkins."


Unknown said...

Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under The Mountain.

That always stuck with me for some reason :)

Martha said...

I've been wrestling with whether or not to say anything, but I figured, "hey, why not?" I didn't know in the first place that it would be anonymously sent, but I thought it was kinda fun that it turned out that way. But I might as well come clean.
You're welcome, and I'm so glad you like it. :D

Duncan McGeary said...

I kinda thought it might be you.
