Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Writing is existential - - but then, everything is.

I took chapters 3 - 5 to writer's group last night, and again it seemed to pass muster more than most of my efforts.  So having the first 5 chapters in pretty good shape is great -- in some ways, these are the hardest and most important chapters in the book.

I'm about 20K words in, so it is coming fast.  I have the plot more or less planned for the next 10K words or so.  All the chapters where the main character is driven down down down.  In other words, I'm painting him into the tightest corner I can.

How he comes back, I only have a faint inkling, though I have a couple possible endings in mind.  I'm trusting that my subconscious will come up with a solution.

Been having a little existential angst about writing.  Should I really be spending so much time on it?  What's the use?  I mean, more than a million ebooks per year, anything I write is a drop in the bucket and I've already proven to myself from my blog and other internet activities that I'm hopeless at promoting myself.

Then again, I should at least give it a try.  Can't know until I do it.

I'm enjoying writing, so I'm almost afraid that my reaction to absolutely no one buying or reading it will be to give up.

Then again, everything existential.  What's the use of anything, if you think about it too much?

As far as trying the traditional route, I'm so prolific I think I'll probably be able to try that too.

Had my Monday meeting with my tech guy.  He's going to get the DEVILTREE and the FREED FILKINS covers ready.  He gave me a template for publishing, and we plugged FREEDY into it and it passed muster, so that should make the process easier from here forward.

I still need to get DEVILTREE's scans in proper shape.  I've done about a third of that.

NEARLY HUMAN  is out with an editor, and I suppose I'm hoping she'll have some magical answers.  The cover for that is almost ready.  On all three covers, we just need to play with the fonts a a little. 

Hell, maybe all these roadblocks to getting my stuff online has been good for me.  I've got one full book that's a mess and trying to be fixed.  One small book that is slight and ready to go.  One small book that will be part of a bigger storyline.  And now, this vampire book.

As well as four manuscripts from my past -- three which were published, and one that might have been published if I hadn't given up.

Plus another manuscript that I liked, but which is also a big mess and would require some major rehaul.

I certainly am doing all the writerly things from my end.

The existential part is -- if a book is written and no one reads it, does it really exist?

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