Friday, May 31, 2019

Somewhat to my surprise, I picked up my story, "Castle LaMagie."

I've retitled it "Spell Realm," which is too good a title not to use. Unfortunately, since I came up with that title for a different story a few years ago, a book has actually been published called "A Spell Realm." But I'm going to go ahead and use it anyway.

I never seem to know what I'm going to do next until I do it. Weird. It just always happens that way.

Anyway, this is a fun little story, and it's two/thirds done, so I've just decided to finish it.

I have three different novels playing with the same idea--a world of technically created magic that becomes a world of real magic, and I've love to have them as a series, but the dynamics are different in all of them.

I tend to flounder with fantasy and SF because of the need for world building. So I get halfway through and realize I haven't grounded the dynamics well enough.

The next actual book being published is "Eden's Return," and while it has a SF setting, it's mostly a survival story with metaphysical underpinnings. Because it's somewhat allegorical, if you will, I decided not to try to explain what's going on. It's more of an elliptical, elegiac type story.

Frankly, the science in any of my SF is only an excuse to tell an adventure story. I'll admit to that. I'm never going to be a hard science guy.

I liked the tone of "Eden's Return," which I think I successfully maintained.

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