Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm probably speaking out of turn here. Perhaps Bend's government has gotten so big and complicated that they simply must hire consultants. But to me, every time they hire a consultant, it's a failure of leadership. Every time they hire a P.R. firm, it's a failure of leadership.

You want to know how to budget? Set your staff to draft three budget scenarios: a best case scenario, a middle case scenario, and a worst case scenario. Set your budget for the worst case scenario, with options to spend more money in the middle case scenario, and with the money from the best case scenario to be saved for the next budget.

There. Job done. Can I have 35 thousand dollars now?

Consultants seem more to do with ass-covering. See...we hired a consultant and this was his advice and it turned out wrong, but we were prudent.


I know this. I don't go out and hire an outside 'expert' every time I have a problem. Can't afford it. And I would trust my own knowledge and instinct over any outsider I can hire.

And I think once you've hired a consultant you've written a blank check. Any consultant will automatically assume that any idiot who has enough money to hire him has enough money to spend on further studies, and will write his recommendations to achieve that result.

Set a city employee to the job? He'll get it done as fast and efficiently as possible, because he gets his salary either way. If he does it wrong? Well, that's were leadership and accountability take place.

To me, hiring outside consultants for problems like Mirror Pond, BAT, budgets, and Juniper Ridge means you don't trust your own staff to do the job. Fundamentally, it's punting the ball, passing the buck.


Duncan McGeary said...

How about a case study in Consultancy?

The city council has a study done of Mirror Pond. Fair enough, we can't expect them to be experts in hydro issues.

They come back with a list of options, and the city council decides to apply for grants for dredging.

Again, so far so good.

But the grants are denied. A failure of either the consultants, and/or a lack of heeding of warnings. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained.

So now what? The city council makes a big deal that they can't 'do nothing.'

So they decide on another study.


They know the options. There are legal, cost, and regulatory problems with every option.

Cut the the chase, here. Some options simply can't be done because of private property issues, some are way to costly, and so on.

Personally, as much as I love the idea of a free flowing river, I think Bend long ago chose the pond option; all the parks and houses are built for that. I can just imagine how the big houses on the pond are going to love having a swamp in front of their house instead.

O.K. No good options. So what do they do?

Hire another consultant.

Capell at least has a moment of introspection and wonders why they can't incorporate the previous study.

I think this is just passing the buck, punting the ball.

Doing nothing, in this case, would cost less money and accomplish just as much.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Bend's government has gotten so big and complicated that they simply must hire consultants. But to me, every time they hire a consultant, it's a failure of leadership. Every time they hire a P.R. firm, it's a failure of leadership.


Thanks, that's my feeling all these buzzards are realtors, caps, or mbas,... hell abernethy has a masters in public admin,

Why in the FUCK do they have to spend $35k to tell them what to do? You know why dunc, and I know why,...

It's called BLAME the fucking messenger. They pay someone $35k to be the bearer of bad news. Just fucking political cover.

Now that said, we have Garzini @ $10k/mo already, he could get us in debt, ... We're already paying for a fucking temporary city-manager, if these guys can't make decisions, then quit....

Nobody in this fucking town can do anything, except hire another fucking consultant for PR, pure & simple its always PR, in this town.

Jason said...

"But to me, every time they hire a consultant, it's a failure of leadership. Every time they hire a P.R. firm, it's a failure of leadership."

Here, here! It's part of their job to be making decisions, after all.

"There. Job done. Can I have 35 thousand dollars now?"

You ought to send someone a bill for that, along with a paper copy of your advice.

Seriously, though, please tell me our dear city government didn't actually "spend" (i.e. waste) thirty-five thousand dollars on this. ((I suppose I already know the answer to that, though.))

Mrs Sally Heatherton Esq said...

I stopped at Suttle Lake one day on my way back to PDX, to check it out. I think they were trying to find a lessee for the restaurant.


Thanks for mentioning this, now I'll tell the little story.

Ok, not too many years ago, some new folks bought the lodge and cabins @ suttle, and spent a fortune, they updated the cabins, and raised the per day from $50/day to $200/day. They banned dogs on the WHOLE fucking property. They banned anybody having fun, they said "make it expensive, make it exclusive", and only the rich will come.

They banned the dogs, to keep the old-timers from coming there and using the swimming hole, ...

That was about four years ago, now nobody goes, and even the restaurant is failing.

So here is what happens, and has happened a million times in Eastern Oregon, going back to the 1950's.

Some fucking out of towner, buys Frenchglen, Sisters-Hotel, ... Cowboy Dinner Tree, ... raises the prices 10X, bans dogs, bans snowmobiles and dirt-bikes, ... Then magically the red-necks ( locals ) quit coming. Everything is good for 1-3 years, then the yuppy's who came lose interest and quit coming, now our 'Diamond, OR', "Suttle-Lake, OR', 'Sister's, ...' is fucked, because they fucked the local's, and their yuppy's quit coming.

Here is MY little secret that I have seen happen over&over in my 50 years of studying this place. YOU FUCK THE LOCALS, and YOUR FUCKED, CUZ when the ECONOMY TURNS, and IT ALWAYS does, then the locals don't come, YOU BE FUCKED.

This is what is happening today in Sisters, this is what is happening at the cabins at Brasada, ... all these FUCKING holier-than-thou fucking newbies do all they can do to turn off the local red-neck cowboy, p.s. us local red-necks got MORE fucking money than you FUCKING yuppy's. I have seen it 100's of times, I have seen the same resorts flip over&over, out here, ... hell the Paisley hot springs is now going under, people from out of town buy into eastern-oregon resorts, they raise the price, and tax the local by banning their toys ( dogs,guns,jeeps,...)

Economy gets bad, yuppy's don't come, and their fucking filet-mignon rots in the fridge, because nobody comes to the resort.

This NEW outfit that just bought Suttle in the last FIVE-YEARS did everything it could to say FUCK-YOU to local central-oregon familys. I used to go to Suttle to swim almost everyday years ago all summer, but I quit going when these new bastards took over, hell we used to go to the bar after a swim for a cold beer, ... but bitches would say, .. "you must leave your dog in the fucking car when its 100 outside",,... can't even tie the fucking dog to a tree by the fucking car... This is why these people are going bankrupt, this is why nobody will rent their cabins.

NEVER FUCK WITH THE LOCALS, CALI-CUNT, we'll sell you these resorts for top dollar, but unless you cater to the locals, your business will NOT LAST THREE YEARS.

Duncan McGeary said...

I agree that they discount the local business. New downtown businesses I'm betting are trying for tourists and newcomers. But newcomers become broke, eventually, and then they're riff raff like the rest of us.

Anyway, today was a classic. A Tuesday in late January. Slow.....I wonder what the new businesses are thinking.