Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paybacks a poop...

....or is it, Poopback's a bitch?

Bulletin's article about the business called The Bomb Squad, whose owner decided to give back a customer's unpaid Shar-Peis poop.

"I didn't really even think about it much. I just decided to give her back her poop."

What's wrong with that, I ask?


Something tells me the Sawyers have absolutely no ability to detect irony.

"No trip to Cabo for Sawyers," includes this line. "'s very difficult in any country to find a good contractor..."

Yeah, finding honest reliable people can be hard, can't it?


Nova had a great program on money and emotion last night.

I'm not being egotistical to say, I knew everything they were saying. Sports cards were a crucible for me; I didn't know it at the time, but I had experienced a classic economic bubble. I wasn't immune to it -- I doubt anyone is, until they've been exposed.

By the time the comic bubble came around, I was reaching some conclusions, but unfortunately, not quickly enough. I got caught a second time. I started researching and reading up on bubbles around then, and experimented with the magic and non-sport card bubbles, and probably still messed up a bit.

By the time pogs and beanie babies and Pokemon came around, I had a handle on it.

Anyway, I was aware of all the experiments that were shown on the Nova program -- especially the one where a group of players bid against each other to win prizes, with the knowledge that at the end of the game value would be zero.

I entered into pogs and beanie babies and Pokemon with that in mind -- I played the game until I saw the mania was peaking, and then quit.

I still remember the number of customers who questioned my sanity. "Why are you not getting more stuff?!!"

"I think this whole thing is just about over," I'd say. "If I were you, I'd be careful."

"No....I'll be doing this forever! I love POGS! (or beanie babies or Pokemon.) (Don't laugh, they really meant it.)

Most people get caught once by a bubble -- then, if anything, they probably overreact from them on.

The housing bubble was too big for me to 'play' and too dangerous. But I saw it clearly, and tried to prepare my store for the day when it would end.

The one thing left to say about this bubble from past experience, is that we are still in the stage where people are trying to 'happy talk' the market back up. To say, "It's all over...." "Things are recovering..." as if saying it enough times will make it so. As if the fundamentals can be ignored through positive vibes and ambition.

We're still mired, in my opinion.


jared said...

Here is the link to the nova show I believe.

jared said...

My eyes mixed up some words, and I read your last statement as;

"We're still mired in opinion, in my opinion."

Has a different ring to it, but no less true.

Anonymous said...

talking about shit I'm back, sorry to have been gone so long, but 3 months in Malay, ... but now I'm back in the shit, I home in Bend

kind of reviewed your blog, ... on Palin and 'un-american' I have to agree, but even more to my surprise I agreed for the first time with herr-arsehole rdc, yes OBAMA-BUSH are same-same, I have said this all along.

the american peeble get the prez, government they deserve, ... just came back to US via Bangkok, so I got to enjoy firsthand the beauty of dem-pug democracy, in Thai they call it yellow versus red, but its just pug versus dem, but like US its all elite rich running all from the top.

ok back to Bend, does this place suck or what? Been 110F everyday for months for me, now I'm back in the fucking icebox.

Bewert said...

The Sawyers are ripe for a reality show.