Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We live in more than one kind of bubble.

Woke up this morning to see what the world stock markets did. In case you didn't know it -- and you might not, that's the point of this blog entry -- the world markets had a massive sell-off in the last couple of days. Down nearly 10% in some countries, which would be like the Dow dropping 1200 points!

Nothing on the front page of the Bulletin. Finally, halfway down the business page, the Bulletin takes notice.

Curious, I check the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the USA Today: sure enough, the lead story in all of them.

It's so bad, the Fed dropped 3 quarter points.

So the Dow is only down about 150 points as of this writing; after predictions it might drop 500 points.

Hey, we're saved!

So there is this drowning swimmer, see. And the rescue copter comes and throws him a lifeline, and drags him to shore. He gets up, and plunges back into the lake. Nothing to worry about, he will be saved if he gets in trouble...

I've decided that stock market people are an alien species, who have settled on earth to play funny games with our economy. They don't really connect it to humans -- it's all about graphs and alien jargon that only they understand, but since they change the meaning of the jargon, and morph the graphs to say anything they want to say, they even delight in fooling each other.

We mere humans watch all this activity with dismay.

I know that I'm supposed to invest my retirement in the stock market. I know that historically it's had the best return. But damn if I like investing in something that is so unknowable. I'll always suspect that those aliens are just funnin' me.


Duncan McGeary said...

I've just got to try to leave the Bulletin alone, if they're ever going to cover my business again.

Mostly, I really like the paper. Unlike alot of bloggers, I think they're way above average for a town this size.

But they have certain quirks, and I can't help pointing them out.

Whoever writes their headlines, and gateway the stories, needs to allow a bit more of the negative or at least neutral.

Duncan McGeary said...

Speaking of newspaper quirks, I've noticed that the views on the Wandering Eye blog entries for the Source are really weird.

Most stories will get a couple hundred views, but some will get a couple thousand. Mostly political.

I'm guessing that they are linked to some other political sites that get big readership....

Duncan McGeary said...

It just seems like the biggest rate drop in 18 years ought to be alarming sign.

All that talk about how lowering rates would have negative long-term effects have been totally dropped.

Which means, to me, that they are way more afraid of the short term effects of not doing it.

It's the equivelent of me slashing prices and throwing up "For Sale" signs all over my window. I get a short term cash infusion, which is meaningless if I Have to turn around and buy the same stuff at the price I sold it for.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of newspaper quirks, I've noticed that the views on the Wandering Eye blog entries for the Source are really weird.


I used to go there once a week, but they delete almost all the comments.

They also block IP's. I always use a proxy when I visit the SORE.

Surprisingly the pattern seems to be they delete comments that are truthful about the BEND RE demise.

Then most intriuging is they BAN/BLOCK IP's if you post any "NO BOB" propaganda. I don't know if you remember or pay attention, but 'BOB' is writer for the SORE that has been promoting BEND as #1 OUTDOOR forever, ... all over the woods ... people write on trees and stuff "NO BOB", he name is bob woodward, there's even $1,000 reward for anyone who knows writes "NO BOB" on stuff around town, ...

A few weeks ago they did an 'obituary' on bob, he's not dead, just quick writing, and a few people put 'no bob' on the comments and all had their IP's immediately blocked.

In summary, with the SORE deleting comments of interest, and I'm NOT talking about profanity. Then this total intolerance to people who question "BOB". ... If you notice since xmas at these sites their comments are all zero now, because between the deleting, and the IP blocking people are simply staying away from the SORE blog-site.

HBM doe's like commenting duncan, just quoted him the other day about the Walmart story, ... he calls duncan "BENDS PHILOSOPHER", ... HBM even mentioned my pet peeve's the absence of a nice little HW-Store downtown like we used to have,

Up on the MTN there's a total war going on over this 'BOB' shit, as Forest-Service has placed camera's to catch the 'vandals' who are writing graffiti everywhere that says "NO BOB". There's a lot of pissed off MTN-BIKERS, ... and board-heads, ... that are pissed about how Aaron Switzer and his events, and his "BOB" have over-sold the BEND area to cali assholes that come and destroy the phil's-trail system, but don't maintain them, and all the while Bob&Aaron and are taking in the loot on the tourist events.

Welcome to Bend.

Anonymous said...


You should do your homework BEFORE posting.

Bob "Woody" Woodward and his wife are long-time Bend residents. Both Bob and his wife have given their volunteer time and energy to Bend for years and years. Among other things, Bob was once, back in the day, Mayor of Bend and he is currently a member of the Bend Metro Park and Recreation Board. Bob has excellent credentials as a professional photojournalist including covering such events as the Winter Olympics for Sports Illustrated. He is also been elected to the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. His personal and professional resume is HUGE!

If you had read his the Source columns over the years you would realize that if anything, Bob criticized the over-hyping of Bend and the Central Oregon "lifestyle".

Anyone doing "NO BOB" graffiti is an idiot and a destructive SOB. Graffiti is simply not appropriate whether it says, "NO BOB" or "NO BILBOBEND".

Yes, I know Woody and whomever is doing "NO BOB" graffiti and/or web postings is no Woody.

Anonymous said...


I didn't say 'bob' wasn't a good guy,

I'm simply stated the facts, as I understand them.

Go up in the woods, to any of the shelters, and you'll see "NO BOB" written and/or carved, and the phils trail system there are messages ... The forest service has rewards out to find the vandals.

Nobody, really knows who is doing it, perhaps anarchists, ... whatever,... I don't give a fuck, my 'job' is just to report the news. I have NO idea, I did not BLESS the activity.

I did not create the BEND-BUBBLE, but I like to write about it, I see the "NO BOB" story, as a complete part of the package of the economic collapse of Bend. My humble opinion is the "NO BOB" people are some disenfranchised board-heads / mtn-bikers who are extremely pissed about HOW OUR "DEAR BOB" oversold Bend to the CALI PARASITES.

Whether or NOT "BOB" is-was responsible, is NOT my call. What I do know is there are people in Bend, who think that Bob is responsible. That is what's interesting.

I didn't say that 'bob' woodsy, or whatever hadn't been here a longtime bend and/or major player in blowing up the balloon, ... I'm simply stating the fact that people I know that posted "NO BOB" on the recent "BOB" story, got their IP's blocked by the SORE.

Everything you say about "BOB" is true, that said there are also a ton of people in this town WHO HATE him for over-selling Bend.

I have no idea who is doing the graffiti, but it has to be more than one person. I'm sure the "NO BOB" on the SORE comment site was just a joke. My opinion, on this is those folks @ the SORE are lacking a sense of humor.


I only posted my observation for two reasons.

1.) Duncan mentioned the SORE.
2.) I thought that the SORES blocking IP's WRT "NO BOB", and deleting comments on RE was newsworthy.

My approach to 'journalism' is to dump shit, and let it fall where it may, or as Seldez used to say "tell the truth, and fucking run".


It's good that this conversation is taking place, cuz I know its a fester at the SORE. Sadly I have NO fucking idea who is involved I'm a COTA volunteer, and I know a lot of people who are quite upset. A lot of my friends talk frequently at COTA meetings about the "NO BOB" problem.

My XC-ski friends too are quite upset about the graffiti at the shelters.

Too me this story is fascinating, because its one of those "SECRET BEND DIRTY LAUNDRY" story's that the nobody wants the to have aired in the public. My favorite kind of Bend dirt.


Lastly I heard a $1,000 reward for finding the anti-BOB's, so there is a business opportunity in Bend for some enterprising bounty-hunter.



I completely understand your side of the story, and it has been stated, and I'm glad. This is the kind of stuff that needs to be said, perhaps the SORE should have had you write this kind of defense of BOB along side the "NO BOB", and once and for all, perhaps the public can accept the fact that BOB is/was a nice guy. The way it stands now is that the SORE has shutdown the debate, and BOB and his friends have to come to his defense in different venues.

I have NO ax to grind on this issue, nor do I have any opinion on BOB. I simply reported the story because of how it has been handled by the SORE.

Anonymous said...


I thing one more thing needs to be said on the "NO BOB" story.

Bend is in a free fall collapse, a lot of people are quite upset about how Bend was over-sold.

Perhaps you see Bob as a savior, but many people think that Bob was a promoter.

There are a lot of angry people in Bend, about the changes. I don't have a solution to the "NO BOB" problem.

The simple fact that so many people are passionate about both sides of the story both PRO-bob, and ANTI-bob makes me suspicious that there may be truth on both sides.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps you can dedicate a thread to this subject.

It seems to me the theme here is that the SORE was somehow opposed to the Bend Bubble, and was not involved in the promotion of Bend.

I find this confusing, as my recollection is that Aaron who owns the SORE has made his career since he moved here and bought the SORE to 24/7 promote events in Bend, including your favorite street closures.

Today the essence of Bike's argument, is that writers for the SORE were opposed to the development and growth of Bend that is causing today's problems, which is largely that there are too many users in our recreational system, compared to say twenty years ago.

I ask all for the humble judgment, was the SORE part of the problem, or did they ever offer a solution?

Regarding "NO BOB", I think, I'm sure philosopher Duncan knows, that during these RE bubble implosion, the blame game comes front and center. These games are always irrational, but then the bubble was irrational.

What was the SORE's role in during the irrational bubble years?

Anonymous said...


I wanted to make on more comment, for the record.

I only read the political stuff in the SORE. I never read sports, I don't own a TV, I don't watch or read about people doing sport. I have always found it boring. I don't even read or watch porn for the same reason, I would rather be doing it than watching or reading about 'sport'.

Thus I have always skipped "BOB's OUTDOOR" column, because I would rather be out skiing, mtn-biking, and hiking, and mtn-climbing, ... than reading about it.

I do know a lot of people who hate Outside Magazine, I know that years before they wrote about Tulum, Mexico it was great, and after an article appeared in Outside, Tulum was destroyed. Thus I can see the view in of many that Bob's exposure of the special places in Bend, lead to their destruction.

Having never read his stuff, I'm out of the loop, but I can surmise the continual writing of Bend's best places is always the kiss of death of any 'special places'.

There is a synergy of Outside Magazine, and Bend, Oregon. This much I know every place that Outside promotes it destroys. I can only assume that many in Bend are very angry with both promoters of special places that lead to their over use and eventual 'destination resort' status, aka DEATH.

There is NO place that has been more over-marketed, and over-hyped, and over promoted than Bend, Oregon. The #1 resort in the west.




Anonymous said...


Unfortunately you do not "just report the news". You use highly loaded language that implies something - often something sinister. That is not "simply stating the facts". You're not reporting, you're rabblerousing (and obviously get your kicks doing so). Maybe a course in journalism would be something you might find useful.

Talking out of both sides of your mouth is not "reporting". First you write, "I didn't say 'bob' wasn't a good guy," and then you imply he isn't actually a good guy but a bad guy who "oversold Bend" by writing, ". . . some disenfranchised board-heads / mtn-bikers who are extremely pissed about HOW OUR "DEAR BOB" oversold Bend to the CALI PARASITE." and, "there are also a ton of people in this town WHO HATE him for over-selling Bend".

You can't have it both ways and have ANY real credibility. How about adding a few more words (God forgive me for suggesting this to you) such as "in their opinion" because the "real facts" are that, if anything, Bob called bullsh*t in many of his columns on those who were really hyping Bend like COVA, BVCB, EDCO, COBA, the Chamber, the Bulletin, all of the RE companies and some of the advertising agencies such as DVA who represented (oversold) many of the destination resorts.

Do yourself a favor and go read some of Bob's columns. You could learn a bit about "the facts".

And, if you have a problem with the Source and/or Aaron then why don't you simply meet with Aaron and talk it out like an adult. Who knows, you might learn something you weren't aware of. And no, I'm not a fan of either the Source or Aaron - especially during the last few years.

P.S. I'm a participant in a variety of outdoor, human-powered activities and have, as just a couple of examples, helped out on more than a few COTA trail building work parties and I've logged untold hours at Smith helping with trail work there over a 20 year span. And you know what - I'd bet a pretty large sum that I've been in Bend longer than the sick graffitists as I was born here many decades ago. End of story - end of chat.

Anonymous said...

Bob called bullsh*t in many of his columns on those who were really hyping Bend like COVA, BVCB, EDCO, COBA, the Chamber, the Bulletin, all of the RE companies and some of the advertising agencies such as DVA who represented (oversold) many of the destination resorts.


Well, then BOB, Aaron, and HBM, better start printing it loud, and large, otherwise bob's legacy is fucked.

All I know is what I see, and I see a lot of people very angry with 'BOB', perhaps the SORE, was having it both ways during the street closures, and the public got the wrong message??

I hear you, Bend was over-sold, and I concur having NOT read 'BOB' I don't know if he's on our side. I have assumed that anger at this level just didn't fall off a turnip truck. My suspicion is you had Aaron generating 5,000 column inches a week and selling bend, and BOB generating 5 column inches, and of course people now associate BOB with the SORE, maybe that's the problem??

Thus I might ask at this late point in time, why is BOB not front and center and fighting the destruction of Bend that continues to this day.

The war has never ended, and never will end.

Why doesn't BOB create his own website, and fight for saving what "OUTSIDE MAGAZINE" hasn't yet destroyed of Bend, come on bike, don't be a coward.

If BOB wants protect his name, as bad as you want to protect his name, its NEVER too late.