Saturday, June 9, 2007

Such a cheerful entry, yesterday. "Quiet Devastation." Ouch.

Then I turn around and have a nearly record day at the store. It was the confluence of my two biggest customers, but Linda always tells me, it all counts. But it feels kind of weird to be so downbeat about the future, and yet be doing pretty well in the present. One doesn't preclude the other, intellectually. But it's a bit of cognitive dissonance that I haven't quite resolved.

The rock chuck had a banquet while we were gone. About a fifth of my backyard garden had the tops eaten off. Either the rock chuck goes, or I do!

Still sticking to budget. The next three months will tell the whole story. We've been beating last year by about 15 - 20% each month, which has been the trend for the past 3 years. So even if we just Match last year, we should actually turn a profit. It's a very rare occurrance, (beside earning my own living.) With all the rent increases and dislocations I don't consider a profit to be anything other than insurance.

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