Thursday, June 3, 2021

"Pedestrian malls have an 89% rate of failure. Most have been removed or repurposed. Only 11% have been successful."

A howl of frustration came out of my room yesterday as I checked the emails.
The Downtowners want to close Minnesota Ave. as a Pedestrian Mall.
As you all know, I've been seeing this coming for awhile now. I was just hoping it wouldn't happen. I also told myself that I wouldn't let it happen without a fight. This time, I have to get involved.
I've written an Open Letter, which I sent to the Bulletin. There's a meeting next Friday which I will force myself to go to. I will publish the open letter here when I've refined it a bit.
But here's one bit of information from a study in Fresno. Mull this over.
"Pedestrian malls in the United States have an 89% rate of failure. Most have been removed or repurposed. Only 11% have been successful."


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