Thursday, June 17, 2021


Sent the following to the city councilors.


"I hope there is still some time to present the other side of the story when it comes to the Minnesota St. Pedestrian Mall.

It with some alarm that I see how the opposition to the pedestrian mall is being portrayed by the supporters: a sad shake of the head and the claim that only a few businesses on Minnesota St. are opposed. By now, this has become a complete misrepresentation of the truth.

From my discussions, the following businesses are opposed.

Dudley's Bookshop Cafe.

Pegasus Books.

The Paper Jazz.

The Wool Town.


The Feather's Edge. 

Joel Gisler's wife's shop. (I'm sorry--I'm not sure of the name.)

Pave is neutral, from what I can ascertain. 

Which means that on the southern side of the street,  3 businesses are in favor or neutral: 7 are opposed. I not sure how this translate into a few dissenters. 

On the other side of the street, Jeff Murray's Photography is opposed, for sure. There may be others who I haven't talked to yet.

Two of the four building owners, Chris Frick and Joel Gisler are opposed.

Businesses included as Minnesota St. supporters include Oxford and Brickhouse, who will not be directly affected by the street closure. The main supporters appear to be restaurants: 900 Wall, The Good Drop, and Bos Taurus. 

The idea of a "stage" built in front of my store is alarming. During festivals when this has happened it has completely blocked entrance to my store. I literally have to ask people to move aside so that customers can enter. 

Please look very closely at this with open eyes--it's hard to argue against the city planners and an organization that is supposed to represent my interests, but I feel I must say something."

Duncan McGeary

Pegasus Books. 

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