Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Good Natured Realist.

A Good Natured Realist?

I took a personality test and that is how I came out.

I think I took the test wrong.  I was kind of surprised, but what the heck.  (What else would a good natured realist say?)  But it says I'm a ISTJ, whereas every test I've taken before has been INTJ.  So either I've changed or this test was wrong.

I'd have to say that when I'm "healthy" I'm probably closer to a ISTJ instead of INTJ, but I'm more likely an INTJ.  I recognize myself more that way.

Anyway, I find these personality tests very reassuring.  I'm pretty sure they have more validity than astrology.  There is something there -- but have to be careful not to read too much into it.

I think some people are afraid of being pigeon holed, whereas I believe I would have been glad to know some things earlier in the life.

For instance, the first time I took a personality test -- Myers and Briggs? -- it mentioned I had the rarest of personality types and that in a classroom of 30 people, I would feel like an "alien."

Good to know.  Would have been even better to know when I was actually in classrooms.

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