Monday, May 28, 2012

Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings.

What's it gonna be, boy? What's it gonna be?

Huffington Post has a contest between Star Wars and Lord of the Rings as the best movie series ever.

I'm torn.

I absolutely loved the 3 Star Wars movies, but pretty much disliked the other 3 Star Wars movies. I don't have to tell you which ones.

On the other hand, I really liked all 3 Lord of the Rings movies.

Does subtracting the bad Star Wars movies from the overall total give LOTR's the edge?

If I search my heart, as much as I loved LOTR's, I was absolutely thrilled by SW.

So I decided to ignore the existence of Whiny-Anakin-Star Wars, and go with Han Solo's-Shoot-Greedo-First-Star Wars.

If I take those three movies against the LOTR's, I come down on the side of Star Wars.

LOTR's seems to be winning slightly, by the way. Fanboys will never forgive Lucas.


Anonymous said...

LOTR can be watched more times than SW.

SW is rather hokey, .. I think LOTR will test time.

SW is build up from the begin and roller-coaster ride throughout.

LOTR starts off in the perfect enchanted hobbit town of flowers and beer, and good smoke, and slowly works you into the adventure, where you feel your a part of the team.

Lucas get's a lot of credit for story telling and editing, but I think Jackson does a better job.

The new Golum movie will probably be outstanding, while the first 3 SW were endurable, the second 3 were un-bearable and painful to watch.

Maybe its just the material, the book by Tolkien a classic, albeit Lucas worked with Campbell on story telling and culture, ... and stole a lot from 7-samurai, its still a very simple story.

SW made a lot of money in its day, it broke new ground for technical effect, but mostly for being so cheap to make and returning billions of dollars. We didn't have anything before that was quite the 'ride'.

Given the progression of time once Lucas got rich, his movies simply went to shit. Thus the what made SW-1 so great was the budget and enthusiasm of the first time actors to have a job. Later SW-4,5,6 were actually painful reminders of how much follow-up movies SUCK.

I still watch both time-time, ... I usually fall asleep a few minutes into star-wars, but stay awake for LOTR. There is good movement through all 3 dvd's. The climax is a little painful, ... but it works.

The first 2 SW were excellent the forest stuff in the 3rd was rather boring and reminded me of the planet of the ape franchise, where #1 was awesome the follow-ups just kept getting worse, no wonder Heston refused.

Given unlimited budget and talent Jackson seems far better than Lucas. As best Lucas was a trouble maker and a bad boy that was hated by hollywood, SW was a cult-film that made a lot of money.

LOTR was a well thought out investment based on the on one of the best book-series in history.

ROI on investment for SW of course was better, because of the budget ratio, you simply can't compare the 2 movies. People love $$$ so SW may win, but for the heart I think LOTR will win.

Duncan McGeary said...

I appreciated the quality of Lord of the Rings, and you're right that it may hold up better. I'm a little perturbed that he made unnecessary small changes...

But Star Wars. Driving to Portland, standing in line for 2 hours, getting the last seats in the front row, and have those titles float over my

I kept thinking, FINALLY, someone got science fiction right. Someone understands...

It was a beautiful experience. And, hell, I was 25 years old!

H. Bruce Miller said...

Overall, it's LOTR by a mile.

"Maybe its just the material, the book by Tolkien a classic, albeit Lucas worked with Campbell on story telling and culture, ... and stole a lot from 7-samurai, its still a very simple story."

Exactly. And a rather silly, childish story at that.

Lucas made up the story as he went along; he didn't initially intend Star Wars to be a series, but the first couple of movies were such huge money-makers that he had to keep going. And going, and going.

Can't wait for "The Hobbit."

Anonymous said...

See we all can agree on something :)

Yes, ... I remember in 1970's my friends all saying "You got to see this new movie star-wars", ... yes the lines were long, but ET lines were longer some 6+ years later.

It goes to show you, just how pathetically fucking bad movies were then, the best movies of that day were apocalypse-now, easy-ride, bill-jack, ... just un-bearable shit.

Then along came BLADE-RUNNER, now that was SCI-FI, ... realistic, right on, perfect, ... suspense, surreal, ... not boring, and Harrison Ford at his best. I can honestly say I have see Blade-Runner more times, and the cinematography is incredible, the detail is impeccable,..

Star-Wars only worked because of the incredible EDITING that Lucas did, ... he was a genius in the editing room, that's all that can be said the content is mediocre.

Anonymous said...

LOTR by a long shot.


Kevin said... grade school heart wants to say Star Wars. You know, I was there in my SW t-shirt standing in line as a wee lad. I had all the figures and about peed myself with joy when I got the Falcon and a lightsaber for X-mas. I went to bed in SW jammies and slept under a SW blanket (still have it). When we played SW in the neighborhood, I was always Han Solo. I had a black vest and the official laser pistol. Bad ass! terms of movie making, writing, production, and sadly...yes, even's LOTR. Far better...more involving...and you know Jackson isn't going to go back and fuck it up with all the changes like Lucas did to his.

And the prequel SW films were absolute Bantha shit. Seriously, am I the only one who fast forwards to the lightsaber fights?

Anonymous said...

There is no Han Solo in that other movie.
