Saturday, June 3, 2023

Googled my name.

Did what I haven't done for a while and Googled my name. There are pages and pages of listings. I guess that's what happens when you write 25 books.

To my surprise, it said I have 768 reviews for "Deadfall Ridge." (4.2 out of 5) I had no idea it was that high. I wonder if they have changed things. Believe me, these things are relative: "Fairy Tale," by Stephen King has 46,000 reviews, while my 768 reviews ain't bad for a indie book.

The guestimate is that each review can represent up to 10 sales. I haven't really kept track. That's from Amazon alone, and there are other venues, including my own store.

I also found a lot of reviews I didn't know existed for my other books--partly, I think, because there are different editions from switching publishers. There are even reviews for my short stories (a perfect 10 ratings for "Free Mars," and even a few reviews for my little confection, "Burp, the Burrow Wight.")

I'll never have a completely accurate number for how many books I've sold because a couple of my publishers weren't exactly on top of things.

But all in all, it's pretty encouraging.

So now I'll wait another few years before Googling my name again.


Dave Cline said...

I remember reading your beta for DFR.
Whatever happened to Shadows over Summerhouse & Fateplay? Eden's Return?

Duncan McGeary said...

They're out there. Fateplay and Eden's Return in book form. I just never did much to push them. Nothing much happens if you just lay them out there...