Monday, May 18, 2020

Intuition versus logic.

The ever present battle. I'm a great believer in both, even when they contradict each other. My intuition is that people are going to come back. My logic says otherwise. So now I wait for evidence. I plan for the worse, and hope for the best.

About the best I can do and still have a decent store is plan for a 50% drop.

First three days of business were good. I think today will tell the tale.

About 65% of customers wore masks in the first half of the day, about 35% in the second half of the day. I think 50% is probably better than I expected.

I thanked each person who was wearing a mask.

I also realized that I could hand sanitize after every transaction, so that made me feel better about serving my people. So the real danger is to Sabrina and me from people not wearing masks. (I offered to work the first couple of weeks myself--but then, I'm not sure it will be any different in two weeks.)

I try to keep my distance.

The four hours doesn't seem to be a problem. In fact, I have a feeling that we could do that longterm without much damage. But then, in the end, it would look like we aren't serious. Nor would four hours be enough for Sabrina to survive on. So we'll get back to regular hours in June.

This is going to be an interesting ride. 

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