Friday, March 20, 2015

Tis and tat.

Got a jury summons for April.  I've gotten out of jury duty a couple of times in my life for the very legitimate reasons that at the time I was a one man store operation.

This time, I can't make that excuse.  I'm not sure a touch of agoraphobia is enough of a reason to be let off. 

I guess, if I truly see myself as a responsible citizen, I'll have to follow through this time.  Dammit.


Rock musicians from my era or even slightly after seem to be dropping like flies --- especially drummers, heh.


Going to see the Kingsmen today.


Worked at the store yesterday. Making massive orders -- hopefully Spring Break will pay off, if not, summer is coming.  The period between Christmas and mid-April is always dreadfully slow, so it's hard to both keep the inventory up and not fall behind.  I've stretched the not ordering for about as long as I can stand it.


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