Sunday, March 8, 2015

Like a whole new book.

Sending The Last Fedora to editor Lara today, and starting up the second half of Tuskers III.

After taking three days off from writing, it's feels good to have that urge again.  I'm looking forward to the writing, which is reassuring.  I wasn't sure how I'd feel, and the eagerness to write Tuskers is a good sign.

Most of the second half takes place after an as yet indeterminate time jump.  Probably a couple years, enough time for a couple generations of Tuskers.

I've got the general shape of the second half in mind, the theme I'm trying to get across, and the character motivations.

I'm thinking, rather than get bogged down, I'll just write the second half without referring much to the first half.  This may be a mistake, but I remember enough I think to pull it off.  It has the advantage of feeling like a whole new book, bringing that "new book" energy.

I'm thinking it will be good, which is a good feeling to have as I approach the end.  Endings are hard, especially when it is a three book storyline.


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