Thursday, November 22, 2012

Freedy Filkins, Inter. Jewel Thief, 4.

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Not that Freedy didn't love adventure.

Every nook and cranny of his comfortable little hole under the hill was packed with books.  A substantial library was only the beginning.  Books lined the hallways and the backs of closets, and even infested the bathrooms and kitchen.

He loved sitting on his desk and drawing maps and imagining adventures.

But that's all it was -- imagination.  Personally he hated any disruption to his routines.

Routines are what made a man civilized.  Predictable and reliable and comfortable, that was the life!

No, he'd rather stay enjoy his adventures in the comfort of his home at Filk End.

He hated strangers knocking at his door.  His flaps were still ruffled, askew.  Forge Corporation?  What was that?  Who was that annoyingly bearded fellow?

But somehow, as he sat back with his sore feet and contemplated the day, he just knew he was going to be spammed by that fellow again.


Martha said...

[He loved sitting on his desk and drawing maps and imagining adventures.

But that's all it was -- imagination.  Personally he hated any disruption to his routines.] :)

Andy Z said...

Hobbit fanfic?

Duncan McGeary said...

What? You mean like Sword of Shannara?

This is totally different!

Andy Z said...

You're messing with us, right? Am I missing a joke?

Duncan McGeary said...

Well, the Hobbit is an inspiration, an homage, but it's supposed to be its own story, for fun, written a little bit every day.

That is, if no one had ever read the Hobbit, they might find it to be fun.

Or not...

Duncan McGeary said...

That bad, Andy?

It's good practice, but maybe I should take this offline, and do it for my own amusement. Certainly, it exposes all the first draft weaknesses. (Not that I get alot better.)

Duncan McGeary said...

Then again, maybe it's a good chance to lower all expectations...;).

Andy Z said...

You should probably go ahead and name his house Filk End.

Duncan McGeary said...

oh, i like.

used it.