Saturday, September 29, 2012


Kind of a weird thing.

I've gotten better reviews for the three books I published as time has gone on.

At first, I'd have to say they were ignored completely.  Then there were a couple of sorta reviews that made fun of them.  That wasn't something I enjoyed.

But slowly, the tide seems to have turned.

It's as if time itself has lent them a certain aura.  You know, they've been around for a long time by now.  I even got my first fan letter.  (Well, fan e-mail.)  I didn't answer it, bastard that I am, because I don't have the foggiest what to say.  I think maybe I'll try to find it, and at least thank him for it.

It's interesting to realize that these mass paperback books, and their digital downloads (unapproved by me, but what you gonna do?  At least someone might be reading them...) will be around long after I'm gone.  That just about everything else I might have done will be long forgotten, but these books will be floating around the edges of the digital consciousness forever.

The internet is responsible for most of that.  The books probably would've passed beyond notice by now, if not for that.  That and the weird thing that SNOWCASTLES got published in England, and therefore was distributed throughout the Commonwealth (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, etc.)  and beyond, into Europe.  I'm not sure about ICETOWERS.  I'm pretty sure STAR AXE was only released in the U.S.A.

Anyway, even though in the scheme of things, these books seemed to make a small impact at the time, they seem to be enduring.  A great example of "Just Get In The Game."

You just never know.


Duncan McGeary said...

I believe I'm a better writer today, but it's likely I'll never get published again by a mainstream publisher. I'm going to try, but I see luck playing a role more than I did back then.

Time has given me a certain perspective -- that the publisher happened to be looking for exactly the kind of book I wrote.

Luck, certainly.

But then again, did write the book.

Duncan McGeary said...

Maybe I should have said,

"Shameless humblebrag."

Duncan McGeary said...

My worst review was a guy named Blue Tyson.

After I read it, I scrolled down to see who else he hated and there it was: George R.R. Martin.

Hah. Nevermind.