Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pegasus August results.

Another big month, about 23% better than last August.

That makes 14 months in a row of better than last year. The average increase over those 14 months is 18%, (January was only a 2% increase and dragged it down.)

However, it was in September of last year that most the major increases started -- and much of that was due to the introduction of the DC New 52 comics.

So from now on, we'll be comparing to dramatic increases in sales, versus either lower sales or slightly improving sales.

In other words, I'm not expecting the big numbers anymore -- the 20%+ in increases. In fact, I would not be terribly surprised if we see a down month or two. But if we can stay even with last year, considering that the DC New 52 comics have trailed off considerably, we'll still be accomplishing something.

COMICS: +40. Even though the DC New 52 numbers aren't what they once were, the whole effort gave comics a big boost. Which encouraged me to invest in other comics, such as the new line of Image titles (they are currently producing my favorite two comics, SAGE and MANHATTAN PROJECTS.)

Like I said, I think this kind of dramatic increase is probably at an end, because we are rolling over on one of the biggest boosts in comics we've ever seen.

I think -- though it's hard the quantify, that the big movies -- especially AVENGERS -- didn't hurt.

USED BOOKS: My register's button broke, and I'm combining them back with books overall.
However, I'm glad I tried to keep track for the last 8 months, because I found to my surprise that new books were outselling used books 4 to 1. Who'dathunk?

COLLECTOR CARDS: +40%, which sounds dramatic, but they are pretty small numbers so increases don't take much. About 4% of my total sales. Someday this category will take off again! (Which I've only been thinking for about 20 years now.)

GAME CARDS: -35%. Disappointing. Not sure why this happened. I've actually lost two competitors in the last six months. (It could be, this is one of those rare cases where competition actually helps, by keeping larger numbers of interested players in the game.)

These sales seem to have more to do with the overall world of gaming, the popularity of specific sets, and all kinds of factors beyond my control.
I'm going to consider this total an anomaly, unless it happens again for a couple months.

BOOKS: -4%. Not sure why this happened. But it is a minor decrease, within the margin of error, so to speak. I do feel like the customers who are most likely to buy books from me were being distracted as much as possible by those agencies who are supposed to be helping me. Still think the upside potential is strong.

GAMES: +13%. Still loving this category -- though I am starting to get concerned by the sheer numbers of new games. A boardgame bubble?

TOYS: Up three and one/half times over last year!! I've been really working on this category over the last year, and it's nice to see this reward. Bodes well for Christmas.

GRAPHIC NOVELS: +18%. Solid, solid category. A mature category, which I do my best to keep up.

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