Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Two of the usual suspects.

Two of the usual Bend suspects were in the Bulletin lately.

The first, Tammy Sawyer, got another -- a fifth -- extension to her trial.

I expect she'll be suing any day now about a "delay" of justice.

Meanwhile, Jody Denton seems to be working for Frito-lay, taking credit for the Doritos flavored taco from Taco Bell.

As a native Bendite, I've always been somewhat allergic to the "big-time" entrepreneur coming to our little ol' town and showing us how to do it.

Not that it probably doesn't happen, but the ones who succeed probably don't insult the locals by saying so.

The one's who make it their basic theme -- they seem to be the ones who disappear in the middle of the night.

There is a classic quote in the article: "...he has found the more professional atmosphere at Frito-lay agreeable. 'Restaurants are just full of drama. That's just a fact. They are."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i kept the old sources and bend livings and gustos and the gushing is sort of sickening, sharing the stage with gavin. jodi denton was the water walker. bloated reviews and small town homage and this unreal clammoring to give him cash, were the wind beneath his wings. i doubt you will ever hear a truly great chef eek his way into fame by making something an 18 year old stoner has been eating at 2 am for the last 3 decades. shame.