Thursday, October 28, 2010

Media Geek-asm.

Avert thine eyes, Muggles, for I speak of Nerd Rapture.


I really enjoyed SHERLOCK on Masterpiece Theater. Fast moving, smart, and strangely faithful to the source material.

Plus, I get to see what the new Bilbo looks like. (Martin Freeman plays Watson.)

Pure fun.


I'm looking forward to the Walking Dead on Halloween night. From the tone of the reviews, I think people are ready for a straight-forward, non-ironic, non-symbolic Zombie movie.

My Zombie shelf at my store is getting more and more packed. I expect Zombie backlash....


Speaking of The Hobbit. It's going forward, with Peter Jackson, in New Zealand, two movies (Radagast the Brown!) starting in 2012.

Glory Be! my friends. Glory Be!


Now if they would just do a proper version of Conan, and do Doc E.E. Smith's The Lensmen, and maybe the Chronicles of Amber -- my life would be complete.


Andy Z said...

I'm pretty sure Martin Freeman has been cast as Bilbo!

Leitmotiv said...

Conan is being worked on as we speak, but not sure if it's going to be good

H. Bruce Miller said...

"I really enjoyed SHERLOCK on Masterpiece Theater. Fast moving, smart, and strangely faithful to the source material."

Me too -- great television. I kept thinking how much the original Holmes would have enjoyed using cell phones, the Internet and other modern technologies. And what could he have done with DNA analysis? (Or would he have refused to employ it because it took away the challenge?)

One thing perplexed me, though: Why did they choose to have Moriarty actually be Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's smarter brother?

Duncan McGeary said...

"One thing perplexed me, though: Why did they choose to have Moriarty actually be Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's smarter brother?"

That was a little confusing. I think what they were trying to do was fool us Holmesian's into thinking the guy in the warehouse was
Moriarty --

Meanwhile, there really is a Moriarty out there -- who was behind the taxi guy, but when asked who Moriarty is, Holmes says, "I have no idea."

Duncan McGeary said...

Oh...and Tunnel in the Sky, by Robert Heinlein, possibly my favorite all time S.F.

My fantasy is that I get a billion dollars and adapt and direct this book into a movie.


Armor? Sort of a Shane, in space.

RDC said...

Tunnel in the sky could be done rather inexpensively because most of it would involve a primitive setting with the only real special effects being the migration patterns of their large rodent problem.

Duncan McGeary said...

I thought of them as more amphibian than rodent-like.

I think this new movie, Monsters, would be the model you could use for cost. Of course, they director was a special effects guy, and did his own, and the cast was tiny.

But, yeah.

Inexpensive being a hugely relative term when it comes to movies....

Maybe I could do it if I was a multi-millionaire, instead of a billionaire.

H. Bruce Miller said...

"Meanwhile, there really is a Moriarty out there -- who was behind the taxi guy, but when asked who Moriarty is, Holmes says, "I have no idea."

Aha, I must've missed that. Sherlock Holmes I ain't -- obviously.

H. Bruce Miller said...

In other news from the fantasy movie world, James Cameron has announced he is going to direct Avatars II and III.

Hope he finds the money to hire a competent screenwriter this time.

Broofa said...

Hey Duncan, 'been a while since I visited, for which I apologize. I'm not in town so much these days. 'Couldn't resist this post though.

I'll have to catch the Sherlock series - sorry I missed it.

Regarding "wish they'd make a movie" choices ...

Conan - Kind of feel like it's been done to death. Or maybe that's the point - really do it right this time? But if you're going to go to the trouble of doing a Burrough's classic, surely A Princess of Mars would be the better choice, no? Imagine Barsoom done with Avatar-like quality and effects.

The Lensman - yeah, that'd be awesome.

To offer a few choices of my own, Niven's Ringworld or The Integral Trees would be pretty interesting. I'd opt for the Integral Trees, in spite of it's weaker storyline, simply because it'd be so much more stunning, and basically impossible to cheat on the special effects. (And the rights to Ringworld are probably a bit complicated these days - Wikiepedia mentions several near misses for a Ringworld movie deal, most recently and disturbingly that it might be a SiFy channel mini-series, God help us.)

Finally, what happened to the actors union strike against Jackson in New Zealand? Did that letter he publicized turn the tides of public opinion against the union?

- Cheers

Duncan McGeary said...

There is another episode of Sherlock on Sunday.

Burroughs would be fun, but not life changing for me. Rumors of movies, live and other wise.

Robert E. Howard, of course, wrote the Conan novels. I enjoyed the Integral Trees (the sequel for some reason rather sucked.) But, yeah, if you are going to do a Niven, that would be a good one.

There seem to be no end of movies that I think were misfires of great books:

Dune, Watership Down, Conan, The Postman, etc.