Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My health plan actually sent me money.

I've had private insurance for a number of years. It's very, very expensive and has a very, very high deductible.

This year, for the first time, my rates didn't go up significantly. (For a few years, especially RIGHT before Obamacare took effect, they were jacking them up significantly. Suspicious, eh?)

I also have the knowledge that they can't drop me. That they can't find a excuse not to cover anything they might consider a pre-existing condition. That they can't limit my coverage.

And today I got back a 418.00 return, because of the new law that says they have to spend no more than 20% on overhead.

Tell me again why I'm supposed to hate Obamacare? Because from my perspective, it's been nothing but good.

I don't even consider this a political statement. It's just flat true. I've had private insurance before Obamacare and I've had it after, and it's only been positive.

That's a fact.


yokem55 said...

Duncan, you have to remember that reality and facts are a liberal conspiracy to overthrow the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

"...it's only been positive."

Yeah, until the Death Panel shows up to harvest your liver. You've been warned.

Hugs and kisses, you betcha,


RDC said...


Basically you are in one of the demographics that is likely to benefit. Individual policy holder, already having insurance, over 50, plan having been previously increased to cover the increased requirements such as a free annual physical,etc.

The slight reduction you experienced will be more than offset by increased costs to group plans, replacement of plans with more expensive plans because they did not meet the new minimum requirements to be an acceptable plan.

Likewise since I retired at 55 and am buying my own insurance I also benefit. However, I also saw what the increased costs were going to mean at my previous employer where the health care costs were increasing by almost 30%. They had a good health plan, but they also were self insured. The law increased their costs by 30%, with a good portion of the increase getting passed on to the employees.

Steve said...

A good friend and co-worker(who is in his mid-50s) just started chemotherapy to try and combat a very difficult form of cancer. This is likely the first of several rounds lasting up to a year. If he is successful with his battle...he may face future rounds in the years to come. I have the same insurance coverage he has, and I know it has (or had) an upper limit for treatment that seems high....but not when you are dealing with treatment like he is. Another little thing that was addressed in Obamacare. If the limits would still apply, my friends would be ruined economically almost guaranteed.

Duncan McGeary said...

Your results are theoretical while mine are very real.

So pardon me if I choose to believe that Obamacare will reduce medical costs overall.

RDC said...


If you are talking about my message, The 30% increase in rates at my last company was very real. I sat on the management team that worked through the options and the funding methods.

The reality is that the majority will pay more, a minority will benefit.

If you benefit great, if your costs go up significantly not so great.

Duncan McGeary said...

I don't doubt your health plan raised rates, but based on past experience, I'd blame the health plan, not Obamacare.

RDC said...

You apparently did not read what I said. The company SELF insured. We hired a company to administer claims. We hired a firm that managed the network of providers. The only insurance company involved was reinsurance that only kicked in at very high levels of total claims.

The increased costs were a direct result of the changes necessary to meet the requirements of the law in order to be considered to be compliant. Some of the increased costs are the free physical and some diagnostics. A physical with appropriate lab tests run about $350 for example. Since they are now "free" they add about $30 per month for each employee, more for families. Company cost for the medical plan for each employee was $219 per month and $480 for a family. The company provided $219 so an employee only paid nothing and a family paid $261 per month.

After the increases to comply with the law the companies cost went to $289 for the single employee and $614 for a family. Now the company increased their payment by 10% to $240 per month. However that still meant that a single employee now has to pay $49 per month and the family had to pay $374 per month.

Now the plans are for medical, dental and vision.

Anonymous said...

I and my sister NEED it to stick around. She can't get insurance because of pre-existing stuff -can't wait for 2014- I'm screwed if my husband's plan from work isn't there any more: no one in their right mind would pick me up if they had a choice, heh. So, yeah- I'm with you.

Dollie Meder said...

That’s very refreshing to hear, especially that all I’m hearing were complaints about high insurance deductions. Getting returns is something anyone would appreciate regardless of the amount. It assures us that there’s less dishonesty, if not none, in the government. ;)