Monday, January 6, 2014

Not again!

Yes, another rewrite of Faerylander.

My friend Martha read the current version, and had invaluable suggestions.  But it got me thinking.  I do like this streamlined version.  I consolidated chapters, tried to make the story flow better.  But in doing so, I think I may have left out too many of the attractive elements that I wanted to do in the first place.

But, now that it has been streamlined, I'm realizing I can layer a lot of the material back in.

It will be my magnum opus.  It will be a fairly long book by the time I'm finished.  The longest book I've ever done.

This is probably what most people have in mind when they talk about writing a book.  Endless rewrites -- throwing valuable stuff out, adding things that don't work, trying different versions, and always, always trying to polish the writing.

But I've decided that -- in the end -- this book probably just doesn't work.  That nobody will probably ever read it.

Therefore, I think I kind of want to go back and do it the way I want to do it.  Have fun with it.  Just put in all the elements I liked back in. 

Why not?

1 comment:

Martha said...

Yeah, why the hell not? If you like it, chances are, other people will too.

And hey, I've read it twice and I'm still up for reading it as many times as you want to write it. ;)