Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday fuds.

I'm between books, so that along with the New Year, it gives me a chance to think about what I'm doing.

I'm not sure of the utility of writing sequels, if no one is reading the earlier books.  There is a nice symmetry to a "trilogy" so when I've gotten two books under my belt, I'm tempted to write a third.

Besides, I'm not worrying about selling books this year, just writing them.  So I'll go ahead and write the third "Lander" book even though neither Faerylander or Wolflander have been published.

I think I could do so more rewriting -- I'm sort of waiting for the mood, or the lull.  If I can continue to write fresh books, I think I should do that.  Still and all, that is my major goal this year -- to spend much more time and effort on rewriting.

I'm going to write Ghostlander, but then I want to try something new.  See if I can't incorporate all the things I've learned over the last couple of years.


Yesterday's business just flat wore me out.  I slept 9 hours last night, went to bed an hour earlier.  It was a lot like a Saturday, which I generally avoid.  Lots of people, but few of them really into what we do.

The irony of the lack of snow in the mountains is that we probably got more business out of it.  It was the perfect set-up -- just enough snow early to make it look like the skiing would be all right so that no one cancels their vacations, and then lousy conditions when they get here.

What's tourist to do?

Go shopping, in our quaint little downtown.

It's a short-term benefit obviously, because without snow they don't come at all.

That plus the extra week we got after Christmas this year,  has been nice for business.


I try, generally, to buy local.  But I'm not making a crusade out of it.  I went looking for a small laptop that had a long battery life and could do Word and was affordable.

No one in town had what I wanted, so I went online and bought it.  (Whisper -- Amazon.)

Despite their size, I'm not actually all that impressed by the selection in the big chainstores.


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