Thursday, January 23, 2014

Getting the writing clean.

I'm busily looking at the editorial changes that Lara made to Blood of Gold.

I got started on a rewrite of Led to the Slaughter, which is extensive enough that it will need another copy-editing pass through.

I want the Vampire Evolution Trilogy and the Led to the Slaughter to be perfectly clean and ready to publish.

Then I'm going to turn to getting the rewrite and editing done on Faerylander, the editing done on Wolflander, and the writing and editing done for Ghostlander.

I'll probably settle on continuing the "Lander" series, because I'm enjoying them so much.

I'm also thinking of a sequel to Led to the Slaughter, with the 13 year old heroine, Virginia Reed, as the protagonist.  I was looking at the Marie Celeste incident, for instance.  (Virginia would be in her late 30's.)  Or some other "strange western" incident.  Alfred Packer?   Gold mining.   Tran-continental railroad, etc. etc.

And Virginia would be in prime hot heroine age during the civil war.  All kinds of things I could do with her in that time-line.  Could really do a retro-futuristic, steam-punky kind of horror novel.

So much fun.

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