Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Talking books.

No not books talking, talking about books.

Saw an interview with Barry Ritzholtz, who writes my favorite economics blog, (The Big Picture) who calls Barnes and Noble the next Blockbuster -- which I agree with -- and that bookstores are doomed -- which I don't agree with.

I still believe that bookstores that concentrate on selling books still have a chance.  Though most aren't acting like bookstores but are acting more like coffee shops or clubhouses.  But...like I said...good books still sell.

I've had a fair number of comments from people who have "come back" to books from ebooks.  Or, more accurately, say they use ebooks for trips but also buy book/books for reading.

Meanwhile, J.K. Rowling writes a mystery under a man's name and it gets good review and sells 1500 copies. That sounds like a failure, but its the more normal number.

Of course, now it's going to sell millions....

But everything I've ever read makes me think there is a huge amount of luck involved.

Meanwhile, I woke up this morning with the opening lines of the third book in my Vampire Evolution series, called Blood of Gold. 

So I guess that's what I'm doing next -- my subconscious tells me so...

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