Monday, September 7, 2020

Sports cards are hot? Oh, Hell, no!

Had a phone call asking for sports cards. I very mildly said, "No I don't do sports cards anymore."

But after I hung up, I said out loud with a store full of people. "Sports cards?! No way, no way ever, uh, uh, ain't going to happen."

It was such a strong naturally visceral reaction that it got a laugh.

So yeah. My reaction to the return of sports cards is rather extreme, considering how little it matters. The store is operating at a very high level right now. Pegasus Books is doing everything I always dreamed of.

Without sports cards.

Maybe it offends my sense of order that such a sham should make a come back. If sports cards are "hot" right now, it's mostly because there was a small surge in interest because of the coronavirus, and thus wiped out the existing print runs.

A simple matter of supply and demand. And here's the thing: supply always catches up to demand eventually. But the original impression can stay in place because of logistics and spot shortages.

If I want to get my ire up, all I have to do is mention sports cards. My reaction to customers asking me is to lecture. Which isn't a good look.

Really, I need to just shrug my shoulders and say, "That's nice..."

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