Monday, January 14, 2019

The Roaring Twenty/Twenties

Or maybe I should say, "The Roaring 2020s."

Every once in a while, I think I've coined a phrase only to find out that someone else thought of it first. So anyway, here's my claim on "The Roaring Twenty/Twenties," which begins only a year from now. I am not Googling to see if someone beat me to it.

Meanwhile...I'm still not writing. Still waiting for that moment when I absolutely know what I want to do.

"Deadfall Ridge" just keeps bumping along--at a much higher level of sales than before the BookBub, if nowhere near the heights it reached on the first two days.

Interesting thing happened: I reached my lowest author rank on November 27, 2018 and my highest author rank on December 26, 2018 so within the month. Obviously, I needed a bit of a boost. Some of my other books have sold during this last 3 weeks--not a whole lot, but probably double the pace previous to the promotion.

I don't know if I'll ever get another BookBub--in some ways, it's as hard as getting a traditional publisher--but if I do, it is The Great Equalizer.  It literally pulls you up to the levels that only known authors get--if only for a short time.

It's funny, but my entire writing "career" has been one little boost just when I need it at a time. I keep expecting that to stop, but something unexpected always comes along just in time. Knock wood.

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