Thursday, November 4, 2010

""Best Minimum""

Who knew four years ago when I named this blog, that there would be a veritable army of unemployed middle aged guys googling those terms: "best middle aged jobs"; "best minimum"; "jobs for middle aged" and endless variations of....

I didn't know this was happening until I started checking my stats again, just recently.

Never mind the question, why would you ask for "Best minimum wage...."? I mean, isn't that pretty much in the eye of the beholder?

But there is something very revealing in the number of middle aged guys asking the question.
I'm betting that most guys who have had minimum wage jobs their whole lives would NEVER think to ask that. Hell, they wouldn't have the computer....

No, I figure these are newly unemployed middle aged guys who are.....questioning....contemplating..... Minimum Wage Jobs....

Very interesting, and somewhat alarming.


Duncan McGeary said...

Rereading this, it comes across as not sympathetic. I'm very sympathetic, empathetic even. I'm middle aged. I can see how hard it would be to get a job. Very, very hard. Too old to work, too young to quit.

Duncan McGeary said...

Tone can be a hard thing to get right -- or more exactly, tone can be an easy thing to get wrong.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these guys have newly opened up a comic store in their town based on the result of their Google search.

Duncan McGeary said...

Yikes. God help them if they did.