Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adventures in the Obvious.

I'm shocked -- shocked, I tell you! -- that Willie Nelson was caught smoking dope. In Texas!


Sales were up on Black Friday. Really?


It snows in Bend. Sometimes it snows in Bend all Winter long. Get used to it.


"Don't worry. Sales will be better at Christmas." Wow. Thanks for the information. I would never have made that part of my planning, if you hadn't told me.


"Burlesque" is apparently not a great movie. Tell me it isn't so, Cher!


"Marines most resistant to openly gay troops."



Flat screen T.V. prices are going down. Just like they did last year. And the year before....


Father to three boys who start to open the door to the store. "You don't want to go in there! You don't even read!"

Gee....I wonder why.


"Couch Potatoes Resistant to Change."

Could that be because they like to stay on the couch?



H. Bruce Miller said...

"Father to three boys who start to open the door to the store. "You don't want to go in there! You don't even read!" Gee....I wonder why."

And the really sad part was that the three boys were all OSU alumni.

(Sorry, couldn't resist -- Civil War fever is building.)

Spockgirl said...

I can't stop laughing... Feeling a bit pithy?
Thanks... you made my day with that post, which is sad, I know.

Anonymous said...

shit does this mean willy will not be coming to bend anymore?

dp why you not post my sheet? hurt me feelings :(

Duncan McGeary said...


Today I'd post it.

The day before yesterday I would've posted it.

It was just a little much for turkey day.