Monday, August 31, 2009

A writer in our midst...

A customer of mine, came in with the first chapter of a book. It immediately caught my attention that the spaceship captain hero of the piece, a degenerate drunk, was named Duncan McGeary

But it also caught my attention that ... well, it was good. Really good. Especially for someone who had not apparently showed his work around much. I told him I liked everything about it -- except the name of the main protagonist.

Anyway, I twisted his arm to come to the Farewell Bend Writer's Group, and I encouraged him to get connected to Bend Blogs, so more people could read his stuff. His name is Jared Folkins.

Today's story, on acloudtree blog, is awesome. I loved it.

1 comment:

Broofa said...

Dunc, really need to teach you how to add links. Where do I find more info on the writer's group? And on the "acloudtree" blog?