Friday, August 5, 2011

My guy got snookered.

First of all, let me make it clear that there is no way on God's Green Earth that I won't vote for Obama in the next election. There is not a Republican in sight who I would vote for, instead.
That said, I'm not happy.

1.) I think Obama has a cautious and consensus building personality, not a daring and confrontation one.

2.) I think he is fundamentally more conservative -- moderate-- than I expected.

3.) I think he listens to experts a little too much.

The first point is O.K. I think his personality is probably the only kind that could have survived the crazies.

The second point, well, I'm a bit surprised, but I just made the assumption he was liberal, when he's pretty much an establishment kind of guy.

The third point is the one I'm disappointed in; and it shows that he probably needed slightly more seasoning as a leader.

To me, Tim Geithner is his Rumsfield. Obama just bought into their bullshit, and when he had the political momentum, didn't do anything about Wall Street.

Nothing was solved. Nothing was resolved. No one went to jail. No effective changes were made. We are all going to pay the price for years to come.

It's just sad.


Anonymous said...

Obama has been a dismal failure on both domestic and foreign policy, but I will vote for him for only one reason - his Supreme Court nominations. Actually it really doesn't matter as the entire West Coast will go for Obama as they are blue states and he will get on the electoral votes.

Duncan McGeary said...

I wouldn't got that far.

I think history may say he got what was possible.

But I do think he could've been harder on Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

Example: The Obama justice department has been a big proponent of the Bush policies going as far to defend every one of them in court. Often times using "State Secrets" as a reason to attempt to get cases thrown out.

Again he has advocated for The Patriot Act, FISA, extra-ordinary rendition, extensive ISP record keeping. The list goes on and on. Then he expanded the Middle East occupation.

If I wanted a republican, I would have voted for one.

H. Bruce Miller said...

Megadittoes to all that.

The other big mistake Obama (and the Democrats) made was to focus on health care when they still had majorities in both houses instead of mounting an all-out assault on unemployment.

"I think history may say he got what was possible."

He got what was possible for him, maybe. I can't help thinking an FDR or LBJ would have gotten a lot more. You have to be prepared to twist arms in this business. Or sometimes break a few.

H. Bruce Miller said...

This just in: S&P has downgraded the US's credit rating. This from the same dickheads who helped bring on the housing bubble and resulting Great Recession by giving AAA ratings to dogshit mortgage-backed securities.

Thanks a lot, douche bags.

Leitmotiv said...

Obama hasn't been a dismal failure... but he hasn't been a fortuitous success either.

Duncan, no Republican? Not even Ron Paul? I'd totally vote for Ron Paul if he got the nomination. That guy sticks to his guns.

Anonymous said...

i told u da oreo would do wa he da and he da

'chicago' comex power loaded the oreo & he kept the same fed-res clowns

expanded 'patriot' bla

i have 100x here said vote with feet

civil war folks already too late for those who

the game is over the only fool left at the table is us publik

havent already left or sold usd

hbm every rating agency on planet other than us pocket pals downgraded usd last year

Anonymous said...

i love it when dunc finally has the can hit him in the head

rumsfeld? Geithner is usa treasury over batf biggest private army

the ust gun long to world head to accept usd
black market drugs & oil all in usd $ in order to protect res-curr status otherwise oreo is a poodle

the diff between dem&pug is the diff of madoff rt & left leg

Anonymous said...

You did vote pug oreo is a pug
so was clintonB

kleptocracy only one party

put a black face on ww3
who could have guessed?

Only way out of debt for usa is default to china
proxy war for oil
iran vietnam libya