Monday, January 4, 2010

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled...bags.

Something kind of cool has happened over the last few years. I didn't even set out to do it. It was the customers' idea, in a way, or it just sort of became something everyone figured out. But I started getting bags of used bags from my regulars.

It started by my bringing used bags from home, probably, and the customers saw me doing it, and they decided to bring me theirs, and it sort of snowballed.

Really neat.

Actually shopping bags cost a bit more than people think. 2 or 3 cents a piece, but over time that can actually add up, I suppose.

Lots of people turn down bags, as well. I'll say something like, "Well, they already killed this plastic tree, so no further harm. "

Way to go, people. It's easy, and I've had maybe only two people in the last couple of years ask for a 'fresh' bag. Heh.


Two things I always forget about employees, bless their pointy little hearts, is that they are terrible at change (coin) management. I swear, if the charge is 7.01 and the customer gives them 8.00, they'll give away .99 cents in change. I always forget to tell them, ask for the extra penny, the extra nickel, the extra dime. I hate to say it, but if you're getting down on change, let them walk away with 1%, you know? Make it Your Idea. Aren't I Nice?

The other thing that seems to happen with employees, is that bags get used up quicker. Partly, I use comic bags for comics whenever I can. About the same cost as a shopping bag, and the customer feels like they're getting something. And if the customer already has a bag, I ask if they want to put the item in that bag.

Of course, I could've just run out of bags earlier because it was Christmas.

As I said, bring me your used bags, or take them to Linda's store. I think probably most smaller stores would take them.

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