Friday, June 21, 2019

Desert Flowers

Desert flowers, pink carpet,
Paving a path through the Juniper trees.
White flowers, petitely beckoning,
Purple flowers insistent.

The blue skies above, 
Pure white clouds.
Grey-green trees,
And soft green sagebrush.

The soil velvet brown,
Or dusty grey,
And still there is no one,
My seat is mine alone.

Alone where no one comes,
A freedom few feel,
Along with the breeze and the heat,
Even the birds quiet.

A place outside time,
A hundred years past,
A hundred years future.
Unchanging beneath the sun.

And me in the middle,
Unnoticed, a part of the whole,
Alone, not the horde,
Who trample, cut, and burn.

And so, I hope, it will remain,
Day after day,
Just me and the path,
The timeless way.

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