Saturday, December 17, 2011

Slate has jumped the shark.

I will dump websites when they get overly annoying. (Just as I have no doubt people dump this site all the time....) Anyway, first Slate had that horrible article entitled, "Indie bookstores deserve to die a dogs death, drowned in a vat of steaming poo." (Or something like that, I don't remember the exact words.) and then yesterday they literally --I counted -- had 31 articles on Christopher Hitchens. I kid you not.

Not to speak ill of the dead, I didn't much care for the Hitchen's constant railing against Clinton or his promotion and support of the Iraq war, but he could be interesting in a drunkard's way.

But for god's sake, show some perspective. 31 articles? Even 5 articles would have been overkill for me.

It is time to dump Slate off my daily readings. I'm taking the radical step of removing it from my bookmarks. (I'm sure they felt a cold whiff of fear....)


Anonymous said...

Hitchens is the sort of intellectual who would appeal to the Slate crowd (obviously — 31 articles!).

He was a very intelligent, witty essayist, but as you note, a drunk. His facility with the language masked a fundamental vacuity and egotism, which led him to become a tool of neocons.


Anonymous said...

From Max REad:

"Hitchens' style—ironically, given his hatred for tyranny and love of free expression—brooked no dissent. There was little room for good-faith disagreement or loyal opposition. His enemies were not just wrong, they were stupid or mean or small-minded or liars or cheats or children or cowards. It was thrilling and gratifying to see that articulate viciousness deployed against the Clinton cartel, or Mother Teresa, or Henry Kissinger—against power and pretense. To see it deployed in favor of war, on behalf of a dullard and scion, against the hysterical mother of a dead son was nauseating."

Well, yeah, exactly...
