Thursday, September 27, 2007

All the 'deals' are killing me. Every other offseason, (fall and spring), just as day-to-day business goes into hibernation, the wholesalers start offering us big discounts. On good stuff, too. I don't find that the material they're offering on sale to be all that much worse than the stuff I buy upfront for full wholesale price.

But with revenues on the predictable decline, it mandates that I spend some of my savings.

I hate doing that.

I mean, it make sense that the wholesalers are trying to boost their revenues in the off season. And since I'm in a position to take advantage of the deals, and with Christmas coming up, I'll go ahead. But it kills me, especially since my store is already packed to the gills.

But every time I sell that 'odd' item that I got at a huge discount, I know that its the right thing to do. As long as I subscribe to the 'long-tail' model of business, which has been very effective over the last 5 years or so, it behooves me to keep bringing in as much variety and diversity as possible, and if I can do it at a discount, I need to do that.

1 comment:

IHateToBurstYourBubble said...

I do the same thing. I saw "Cinammon Life" cereal at the Grocery Outlet once for 99 cents a box! I have one kid who will eat that every single meal. So I bought 5 cases (60 boxes). My wife balked, thought it was crazy, etc. We now have 4 boxes left, and it's $2.50/box.

Same with Diet Coke... at Safeway a few weeks back: Buy 2 12-packs, Get 3 Free. I had to confirm this with the guy who was setting up the display, it sounded too good. For better or worse, I drink a can or two a day, so I bought 35 12-packs, which I computed out to 17 cents a can, down from 33 cents just about anywhere else.

Yeah... I buy Christmas decorations in January, too. My wife thinks I'm crazy... but every year, we bust out new stuff I bought almost a year prior (at 85-90% off), and she seems almost surprised that Christmas has ever arrived again.

"Wow. I never thought we'd use this stuff."