Friday, July 18, 2014

Off the cuff.

I tend not to read a lot when I'm writing.  Don't want to be influenced.

If I do read, I read mysteries, since that isn't the genre I write.

But I also don't read as much because I simply don't enjoy the books as much.  I'm on to their tricks.

Some of my favorite writers are obviously winging it, riding their success, throwing these new books out off the cuff.

I recognize it because it's what I am trying not to do.

But once you've reached such a level of success, it must be nearly irresistible.

The most extreme examples are when they have co-authors.  Patterson and Cussler, etc.

Seems to me that this is the writer just saying, "Yeah, I'm a hack.  I'm just in it for the money.  What of it?"

Thing is, by this time in their career, they know they will never be a "serious" writer.

Me?  I just want to write entertaining stories, but try to put a little more effort into it.  I don't care about the labels.  But I also just won't sell out,  just for the big bucks.  I enjoy writing -- I don't want to make it into sausage making.

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