Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh, hell, a political post....

It's funny, or it would be funny if it wasn't so sad, that the right wingnuts have Obama as some radical character.

I think he's fundamentally an establishment guy.

Why wouldn't he be?

It worked for him!!

I think his instinct is to listen to the experts -- with skepticism, cause he's a smart guy, but still... His appointments seem to bear that out.

He may come at it from a progressive slant, but he'll moderate and moderate and moderate to get a slice of what he needs.

Whether this is a good strategy or not, remains to be seen. I'm still hoping this little sliver of public option will turn into a Trojan Horse, but who knows? With Obama, a lot seems to be going on behind the scenes, and we don't see what he's preparing until he's ready. So much of the most important stuff still has to be revealed.

But...I recognize the signs of someone who, at his core, still think this system works, and just needs to be fixed. That's my natural instinct, too, and it is only as I've gotten older that I've become more and more cynical.

I think I'm a very liberal guy on social issues, but kind of conservative on monetary issues. Lots of conflict to be had there.

Obama seems content to let that conflict play out in Congress, and Congress is going to have to produce or be forever tarnished (more than now, if that's possible.)

I'm afraid that Obama may turn into Clinton, settling for the small things, making Congress the roadblock, instead of succeeding in getting that recalcitrant body to actually DO something.


Anonymous said...

"settling for the small things"

Under the Clinton years, the economy grew at an average rate of 3.7 percent for eight years. That's a very strong performance if you think about it.


rotorman said...

Obama seems content to let that conflict play out in Congress, and Congress is going to have to produce or be forever tarnished (more than now, if that's possible.)

I think the president is suppose to lead. I don't see to much of that going on. Reed, Pelosi seem to have hijacked that role.

Anonymous said...

"settling for the small things"